The authors analyzed the trend from the birth-related statistics of high birth weight infants (HBWIs) over 50 years in Korea from 1960 to 2010. We used 2 data sources, namely, the hospital units (1960's to 1990's) and Statistics Korea (1993 to 2010). The analyses include the incidence of HBWIs, birth weight distribution, sex ratio, and the relationship of HBWI to maternal... |
Neonatal mortality rate (NMR) or infant mortality rate (IMR) are the rate of deaths per 1,000 live births at which babies of either less than four weeks or of one year of age die, respectively. The NMR and IMR are commonly accepted as a measure of the general health and wellbeing of a population. Korea's NMR and IMR fell significantly... |
The recent trends of multiple births (MBs) conceived by assisted reproductive technology (ART) in Korea were analyzed as well as the relationship with maternal age, especially advanced maternal age. Data were obtained from the Korean Statistical Information Service and annual ART reports from the ART committee of the Korean Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology. MBs increased from the early 1990s; there was... |
Purpose : A human milk bank collects, processes, eliminates, and stores breast milk from donors and provides breast milk to those in need. The authors hereby present the experiences and the objective lessons obtained through operating a nationwide human milk bank over a period of 2 years. Methods : The characteristics of the donors and the recipients and the amounts of breast milk... |
Purpose : There has been considerable disagreement regarding the most appropriate dosage of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist in cases of central precocious puberty. The aim of this study was to determine the appropriate dosage for suppression of the puberty in girls with central precocious or early puberty. Methods : Twenty-two girls with early puberty were randomly subjected to 3 types of dosages... |
It is fair to say that there are many ethical issues concerning the publication of medical papers. To define the best practice in the ethics of scientific publishing and a proper understanding of appropriate reporting in medical papers, this review should be useful for authors dealing with ethical issues which involve the protection of human and animal rights, the protection... |
Purpose : Surfactant replacement therapy in neonates with respiratory distress syndrome(RDS) has been used in Korea since 1990. We undertook a collective study of trials from multi-hospitals to evaluate results of neonates with RDS who were treated with surfactant during the past 15 years in Korea(Period I, P-I, 1990-91; Period II, P-II, 1996; Period-III, P-III; 2002). Methods : There were 60... |
Purpose : To compare perinatal characteristics, clinical courses, and overall morbidity between respiratory distress syndrome(RDS) with patent ductus arteriosus(PDA) and RDS without PDA in neonates. Methods : Eighty-three neonates who were diagnosed and treated for RDS in the neonatal intensive care unit(NICU) from Jan. 2000 to Dec. 2002 were included in this study. RDS was complicated with PDA(group A) in... |
The isoimmune hemolytic disease of newborn due to the incompatibility of minor blood groups is characterized by progressive neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and anemia caused by the IgG antibody transmitted from the mother to the fetus. Recently we had a case of hemolytic disease in a newborn due to anti-Jkb. There were no ABO and Rh(D) incompatibilities between mother and baby. The... |
Purpose : The relationship between chest X-ray findings and respiratory indices, including the arterial-alveolar oxygen partial pressure ratio(a/APO2) and the ventilatory index(VI), indicators of the clinical respiratory status in neonates with respiratory distress syndrome(RDS), was examined in the present study. Methods : The records of 50 neonates, randomly chosen from 174 neonates treated with pulmonary surfactant(PS) in the Neonatal Intensive Care... |
Purpose : Acute otitis media is one of the most prevalent diseases of childhood and can cause serious complications such as hearing loss. The exact diagnosis is extremely important but may be hard to make because of probabilities of over- and underdiagnosis. We performed impedance audiometry(IA) in routine examinations for acute otitis media and applied it for screening and follow-up... |
Purpose : To produce a new generation of artificial pulmonary surfactant(PS), surfactant protein (SP)-B from human PSwas isolated, and the amino acid sequences of these proteins were studied. Artificial peptides of human SP-B were synthesized. New artificial PS preparations which were composed of phospholopids and two artificial synthetic SP-B peptides were made, and the surface physical properties of these new PS preparations were tested. Methods... |
Purpose : The admission rates for pediatric asthma are increasing annually and are partially responsible for the increased rates of readmission. Selections of children with a high-risk of readmission and aggressive treatments of them may improve treatment outcome and cost- effectiveness. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the risk factors affecting readmission in cases of bronchial asthma in... |
Purposes : We studied the clinicial findings of oliguric acute renal failure(ARF) developed on admission or during treatment of other diseases. Methods : We performed a retrospective analysis of medical records of 118 patients with oliguric ARF who had been admitted to Kyunghee University Hospital since January 1988 to December 1997. Diagnostic criteria of oliguric ARF are serum creatinine>1.0mg/dl and urine... |
Purpose : Iron-deficiency anemia is the most common nutritional deficiency in young infants. This study was designed to determine feeding patterns in infants, and determine a correlation between feeding patterns and incidence of anemia. Methods : This study was conducted by taking blood tests (hemoglobin, hematocrit, and red cell indices) by venipuncture with the electronic counters from 221 infants aged 9-12... |
Purpose : In this study, natural pulmonary surfactant was extracted from bovine lung lavage and its surface activity was determined. To investigate the usefulness of synthetic peptides reconstituted with phospholipid as artificial surfactant, truncated peptides from surfactant protein (SP)-B were synthesized and restored the surface tension lowering activities when appropriately recombined with phospholipid. Methods : Crude natural surfactant(CNS) was isolated from lung lavage by centrifugation... |
Purpose : Steroids have anti-inflammatory effects which reduces inflammation and edema of the tissue. Thus, corticosteroids have been used for treatment of croup. The aim this study is to compare and assess the effects of intramuscularly injected dexamethasone and nebulized budesonide in treatment of moderate or severe croup. Methods : Between July 1995 to June 1996, we have assessed 44 inpatients... |
Purpose : Early diagnosis of foreign body aspiration and removal of the inhaled material may save the patient from chronic illness and may prevent serious complications. At present the diagnostic problems of bronchial foreign bodies are being solved by using the lung scanning technique. Therefore, we investigated the clinical study and diagnositic value of the lung perfusion scan in foreign body aspiration. Methods : Eighteen... |
Purpose : Several kinds of exogenous pulmonary surfactants (SF), either synthetic or animalderived, are being used for the replacement therapy in respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) of newborn, especially in premature infants, and improved the neonatal mortality and morbidity. Because synthetic preparations are lack of surfactant protein (SP) and animal-derived preparations cause immunogenecity of heterogenous SP, there have been great necessity for the development of next... |
Purpose : The chest radiograph is useful and reliable in assessing the severity and progres-sion of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome. To evaluate the effect of exogenous surfactant r eplacement therapy, we performed sequential observation of chest radiogratphic findings in ne-onates with respiratory distress syndrome. Methods : Two groups of infant with RDS in mechanical ventilation therapy were studied. S-urfactant(S-Tx) group(n=36) was... |
We had previously reported the purification of bovine lung natural surfactant-phospholoipd (PNS-L) and the assessment of it's surface physical properties in vitro. To observe the clinical effectiveness of PNS-L in vivo, the degree of improvement of thoracic pressure-volume, compliance and histological changes following PNS-L instillation in premature rabbits with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) were investigated. Rabbits, delivered prematurely by cesarean section... |