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Original Article
Genotype of rotavirus isolated from patients with rotaviral enteritis and neurological complications
Jae Hyung Choi, Jung Mi Kim, Yong Joo Kim, Jae Won Oh, Chang Lyul Kim, Myung Kul Yum, In Joon Sul, Jung Oak Kang
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2006;49(5):513-518.   Published online May 15, 2006
Purpose : This study was undertaken to determine the differences in genotypes of rotavirus and their incidence between patients with acute rotaviral enteritis who suffered neurologic complications and those who did not suffer neurologic complications. Methods : Among the 82 patients with rotaviral enteritis whose genotype was analyzed, 71 patients were not associated with neurologic complications(neurology(-) group), and eleven patients were...
DNA Methylation Change of IL-4 Gene from T Cell in Allergic Children
Jae Won Oh, Myung Gul Yum, Chang Ryul Kim, In-Joon Seol, Su A Shin, Ha Baik Lee, Se Jin Jang
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2005;48(6):634-639.   Published online June 15, 2005
Purpose : An understanding of the immunological process is required if primary prevention of atopic diseases is to be developed in early childhood. But, it is too hard to distinguish atopy from nonatopy under the age of two clinically, because the expression of phenotype and cytokines is vague in early childhood. We evaluated DNA methylation changes at Th2 interleukin-4 gene...
Case Report
A Case of Congenital Laryngeal Atresia with Single Umbilical Artery Who Required a Tracheotomy
Ho Sung Wi, Hey Sung Baek, Jae Won Oh, Myung-Kul Yum, Yong Joo Kim, Soo Jee Moon, Kyung Tae, Chang-Ryul Kim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2005;48(5):557-560.   Published online May 15, 2005
Congenital laryngeal atresia is a rare cause of airway obstruction that is almost always lethal within a few minutes after birth. Therefore congenital laryngeal atresia should be diagnosed in the prenatal period. If not, it should be considered in newborn infant with life-threatening symptoms at birth such as cyanosis and dyspnea that need emergent procedures like a tracheotomy. We report...
Original Article
Elevated Circulating ICAM-1 and Eosinophil Cationic Protein in Children with Chronic Urticaria
You Sun Choi, Su A Shin, Young Dai Kim, Jae Won Oh, Ha Baik Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2004;47(9):986-991.   Published online September 15, 2004
Purpose : Chronic urticaria is characterized by recurrent, itchy, and evanescent wheals over a period of six weeks. The mechanisms of chronic urticaria in children have not been fully elucidated. However, urticaria lesions represent a dynamic inflammatory process involving a complex interplay of various inflammatory mediators, chemokines, adhesion molecules and cellular interaction. The aim of this investigation was to elucidate...
Interleukin-10 Reverse Allergen-Induced Airway Hyperreactivity and Inflammation
Jae Won Oh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2002;45(8):955-960.   Published online August 15, 2002
Original Article
A Nationwide Clinical Study of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Children
Soo Jung Choi, Do Suck Jeong, Jae Won Oh, Ha Baik Lee, Im Ju Kang, Kwang Woo Kim, Kyu Earn Kim, Ki Bok Kim, Young Ho Rah, Kang Seo Park, Byong Kwan Son, Ki Young Lee, Sang Il Lee, Ji Tai Choung, Young Mi Hong
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1999;42(1):23-31.   Published online January 15, 1999
Purpose : Acute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS) is the final course of acute lung injury. It results from various etiological origins and pathophysiologic mechanisms, and has a mortality rate of approximately 60-70%. Although the confirmative incidence of ARDS in children is yet unknown, the increasing incidence of ARDS has been reported in Korea. In the present study, we report ARDS diagnosed...
Occult Mediastinal Ganglioneuroblastoma Presenting with Myoclonic Encephalopathy as Paraneoplastic Syndrome
Hahng Lee, Dong Ki Han, Jae Won Oh, In Joon Seol, Eun Kyung Hong, Seok Chol Jeon
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1994;37(5):695-700.   Published online May 15, 1994
Ganglioneruroblastoma and neuroblastoma are among commonest types of childhood malignancy and a number of unique paraneoplastic syndromes have been associated with both localized and disseminated neuroblastoma. The coincidence of neuroblastoma and myoclonic encephalopathy or other paraneoplastic syndromes occurs relatively rare, and therefore, failure to recognize this association could result in delays in both diagnosis and treatment, and the result...
Case Report
A Case of Neuronal Ceroid-Lipofuscinosis with characterstic photic evoked spikes in EEG
Joo Hyun Han, Jae Won Oh, Jae Hoon Shin, In Joon Seol, Young Hyae Koh, Moon Hyang Park
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1992;35(2):252-256.   Published online February 15, 1992
We experienced a case of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis in a 1 year old female child. Her chief complaints on admission were retarded growth and development, recurrent seizures and hypotonia. Electroencephalographic examination showed very characteristic photic responses, so called, photic evoked spikes which are synchronous with the flashes at 5 flashes per second. Final diagnosis was made with electron microscopic examination of...
Original Article
A Clinical Study of the Effect of Early(<12 Months) Versus Late(12-24 Months) Onset in Infantile Asthma
Jae Won OH, Ji Yeon Lim, Ha Baik Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1992;35(2):201-210.   Published online February 15, 1992
Asthma in infancy can be confused with a variety of airway diseases, because not all that wheezes is asthma and controversy exists as to the role of age of asthma onset in childhood asthma. This study was designed to examine the role of age and predictive capacity of elevated serum IgE for early asthma doset. We compiled data of asthmatics (n=56)...
An epidemiologic study of measles among hospitalized pediatric patients.
Sung Lae Park, Jae Won Oh, Sung Hee Oh, Hahng Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1991;34(10):1356-1364.   Published online October 31, 1991
A clinical study was performed on 197 cases of measles that were admitted to the department pediatrics of Hanyang University Hospital during the period of 5 years from Aug. 1985 to Jul. 1990. The patients with measles were classified as preventable or nonpreventable. We obtained the following results: 1) The incidence of measles was greater during the last study year than the previous years. 2) The age...
A clinical study on varicella zoster virus infection and treatment in children with malignant lymphoproliferative disease.
Hak Won Kim, Jae Won Oh, Sung Hee Oh, Ha Baik Lee, Hahng Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1991;34(9):1246-1254.   Published online September 30, 1991
Vaircella Zoster Virus (VZV) infection is usually a benign disease in normal hosts, but it is known to result in high risk for visceral dissemination and mortality in immunocompromised hosts, as in the children with malignant diseases, especially with malignant lymphoproliferative diseases. Therefore, passive or active immunization and antiviral therapeutic modality have been tried to control visceral dissemination and thus to decrease mortality in...
A study on current immunization status attending an above-middle from class primary school in Seoul.
Jae Won Oh, Sung Lae Park, Sung Hee Oh, Hahng Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1991;34(9):1187-1200.   Published online September 30, 1991
1. Purpose and Methodology The purpose of this survey was to estimate the current immunization status of Korean children by the information gathered by questionnaire distibuted to the parents of all children attending an above-middle class private primary school in Seoul and thereby analizing various factors closely related to the vaccination program as currently administered in Korea. The survey has been conducted by obtaining written answers...


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