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Original Article
Clinical Analysis of congenital anomalies in the newborn infant.
Young Sub Kim, Yang Sook Choi, Chan Yung Kim, Hae Young Kim, So Won Ahn
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1985;28(2):131-139.   Published online February 28, 1985
A clinical study was done in 42,906 cases of the newborn infant born at Busan National University and II Sin Womens Hospital Delivery Room about congenital anomalies for 6 years from Jan. 1977. The results were summarized as follows: 1)Among total newborns, congenital anomalies were 1,845 cases(4.3%) and the frequency of male congenital anomalies was 5.4% and that of female...
Case Report
One Case of Ectopic Pancreatic Tissue with Gastroschisis.
Hyun Sook Yoon, Min Suk Hyun, Jhoeng Hee Hahn, So Won Ahn, Jung Woo Yang
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1983;26(10):1009-1012.   Published online October 31, 1983
The author’s experience of a case of ectopic pancreatic tissue associated with gastroschisis is reported. A 3,140 grm full term female infant with gastroschisis was born at II Sin Women’s Hospital but operation was delayed due to lack of permission until the 3 rd day of life. At operation an incidental finding was a relatively firm, oval, brownish mass on the wall of the proximal...
Original Article
A Clinical Analsys on 39 Cases of Omphalocele and Gastroschisis.
Min Suk Hyun, Mee Yeon Park, Jheong Hee Hahn, So Won Ahn, Jung Woo Yang
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1983;26(9):857-865.   Published online September 30, 1983
A clinical study was done on 39 patients, 21 with omphalocele and 18 with gastroschisis, born at II Sin Women’s Hospital between Jan. 1976 and Dec. 1982. The following results were obtained. 1) In omphalocele 57.1% of the affected babies were males this being slightly higher than the 5.8% in overall distribution of total deliveries but in gastroschisis a reverse of the normal distribution was...
The Study on 182 Cases of Exchange Transfusion.
Gie Hwa Yoon, Ock Seung Jeong, So Won Ahn, Yung Seok Jeon
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1982;25(12):1243-1251.   Published online December 31, 1982
Clinical and statistical observations were performed on 182 cases who were received blood exchange transfusions at II Sin Women’s Hospital from January, 1978. to December, 1980. The results are as follows: 1. Among 1534 case of neonatal jaundice, the exchange transfusion was performed on 182 cases (8.4%). 2. The most predominant etiologies of exchange transfusion were ABO incompatibility (37.4 %) and prematurity(20.9%). 3. The total incidence of repeated exchange transfusion...
Case Report
Kernicterus with Neurological Signs due to ABO Incompatibility 一A Case Report and a Literature Review一
So Won Ahn, Young Ja Choi, Eung Sil Chang, Man Ha Huh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1972;15(9):819-824.   Published online September 30, 1972
It has been known that the prognosis for ABO incompatibility is not as grave as Rh incompatibility and damage to the neurological system due to kernicterus is rather rare in ABO incompatibility. This is report of a case (father A, Rh positive & mother O, Rh positive) of ABO incompatibility showing two children manifesting severe neurological signs due to kernicterus and a case...