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Clinical Characteristics of Infant Kawasaki Disease
Yeun Keun Choi, Jung Min Hong, Su Mi Ihn, Hae Kyeung Lim, Hong Ryang Kil
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2002;45(1):109-113.   Published online January 15, 2002
Purpose : To assess the incidence of coronary artery lesion(CAL) and the efficacy of intravenously administered immune globulin(IVGG) and aspirin therapy, identify risk factors for CAL, and analyze clinical characteristics in infants less than 12 months of age with Kawasaki disease. Methods : Retrospective chart review of children less than 12 months of age with Kawasaki disease between 1994 and 1998, diagnosed at Chungnam...
Effectiveness of Polaroid Photoscreening for Amblyogenic Fctors in Infants & Young Children
Su Mi Ihn, Sang Hyun Byun, Hang Jin Cho, Byung Mu Min
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2000;43(10):1380-1385.   Published online October 15, 2000
Purpose : Amblyopia is the commonest cause of defective vision in childhood. It develops during the sensitive period of visual maturation which continues until about 7-8 years of age. The authors investigated the effect of a polaroid photoscreening camera designed to detect amblyogenic factors, including asymmetric and abnormal refractive errors, strabismus, ptosis and media opacities. Methods : Fifty-four children aged...
Selective Gamma Globulin Treatment in Kawasaki Disease : The Comparison between Single 1g/kg and 2g/kg
Su Mi Ihn, Ren Zhe Ann, Hong Ryang Kil, Young Hun Chung
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2000;43(7):920-925.   Published online July 15, 2000
Purpose : Treatment of Kawasaki disease with intravenous gamma globulin(IVGG), together with aspirin, has been demonstrated to be safe and effective in preventing coronary artery lesion and systemic inflammation, but optimal IVGG dosage and administration method are still controversial. We compared the therapeutic efficacy and clinical response of single IVGG 1g/kg to that of IVGG 2g/kg for comparable risk group of Kawasaki disease. Methods :...
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