Purpose : Aspiration of foreign material into the lungs can cause acute or chronic pulmonary diseases. It is difficult to detect small amounts of aspiration due to the lack of safe, sensitive and specific diagnostic tests. Recently, in animal or human studies, it has been reported that immunochemistry for lactalbumin can be used to detect the minimal aspiration. So, the... |
Purpose : Treatment of Kawasaki disease with intravenous gamma globulin(IVGG), together with aspirin, has been demonstrated to be safe and effective in preventing coronary artery lesion and systemic inflammation, but optimal IVGG dosage and administration method are still controversial. We compared the therapeutic efficacy and clinical response of single IVGG 1g/kg to that of IVGG 2g/kg for comparable risk group of Kawasaki disease. Methods :... |
Purpose : We performed a study on clinical benefits of Harada's scoring method, problems of present criteria and requirement of the revision of that criteria for intrvenos γ-globulin(IVGG) treatment of Kawasaki disease(KD) in Korea. Methods : The patients of 104 cases who visited to Department of Pediatrics of Chungnam National University Hospital and diagnosed as KD were objective group. We classified the... |
The concentration of serum triglyceride values were studied at department of pediatrics, Chungnam National University Hospital. With the total 742 cases, among them 462 boys and 280 girls who were at the age of 2 months through 15 years old. Serum triglyceride values were measured to determine the distribution of values and evaluated on the basis of sex, age, height... |
We have reserched the relationship of their clinical pictures and factors related to the risk of recurrence of 75 patients with simple or complex febrile convulsions, who were admitted to the Department of Pediatrics, Chungnam National University Hospital from January 1987 to July 1991. The 75 patient were followed up and consisted of the 55 patients with initial or non-recurrent... |
Respiratory distress syndrome of preterm infants remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. Early, just after birth, prediction and recognition of RDS is so important. The precision and reliability of the stable microbuble test (SMR) and shake test as a predictor of respiratory distress syndrome were studied. A 11-=neonate who was born at Chungnam National University Hospital between November 1991... |
The measurement of serum total cholesterol was made in 1 month to 16 years of age group (total 1505, male 700, female 805) to know the normal value on each age and sex group, and incidence of hypercholesterolemia in children. The results were as follows: 1) Serum total cholesterol levels were 163.12¡¾38.01 mg/dl in male, 165.69¡¾38.24 mg/dl in female, and 164.40¡¾38.12 mg/dl... |
It has long been recognized that sinusitis are commonly associated with asthma. Studies have observe a high coincidence of asthma and sinusitis. Despite observations of thease findings, a direct cause and effect relationship remains to be estabilished. So this study was undertaken to evaluate the relationship of bronchial asthma and sinusitis. 96 asthmatics and 127 non-asthmatic controls in children were taken... |
We experienced a familial case of Tricho-Rhino-Phalangeal syndrome in a 12-year-6-month-old girl, her younger sister and father. The diagnosis was made by family history history, characteristic morphologic clinical features of bulbous nose, sparse thin hair and deformity of hand and radiologic findings of cone shape epiphyses and Legg-perthes like change of right femoral capital epiphysis. A brief review of the... |
NHL is a malignant tumor that invade in abdominal cavity, mediastinum, cervical lymph node, rarely in peripheral lymph node, skin, and bone. Primary malignant lymphoma of bone with multiple punched-out lesion on simple radiologic examination was not reproted yet. We experienced a case of primary NHL of bone with multiple punched-out lesion on simple radiologic examination, in a 3-year 7-month old boy... |
We experienced two cases of Gaucher disease in brother and sister. The first case of 6 year old female showed hepatosplenomegaly with thrombocytopenia and characteristic Gaucher cells in bone marrow aspiration and biopsy. She is alive without complaints except abdominal distension. The second case of 3 year ~ 7 month old male showed hepatosplenomegaly with anemia and throm- bocytopenia. There were characteristic Gaucher cells... |
A clinical study was carried out in 27 children with thyroid nodule who visited the Dept, of pediatrics, Chungnam National University Hospital during the 4 year period from March 1986 to February 1990. The results are as follows; 1) The most frequent age group was between 10 to 15 year, and the mean age was 10.65 ±3.19 year. The male to female ratio was 1:4.4 2) All patients... |
The authors analyzed the clinical manifestations, laboratory results, and relationship between the presence of antithyroid autoantibodies and response of short-term antithyroid medication in 20 children with Graves* disease who were diagosed at the Department of Pediatarics, Chungnam National Universtiy Hospital from March 1985 to February 1990. The results were as follows; 1) The ratio of male to female was 1:9. 2) The age distribution of patients ranged from... |
A case of acute glomerulonephritis in association with acute rheumatic fever was presented. The patient rheumatic arthritis and carditis with mitral insufficiency, who had been diagnosed as acute poststreptococcal glomeruoonephritis with non-oliguric renal failure with renal biopsy and laboratory findings. The patient was treated, and symptom and sign were improved. |
Acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis is generally stated to be the most common cause of acute nephritis in childhood and secondary to an immunologic mechanism. In acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis, there have been several reports on the change of serum complement levels in the course of disease. This paper reports on observation of change of serum C3 & C4 levels and its clinical significance in 41 cases of... |
A case of pachyonychia congenita occuring in a 15-month-old girl was reported with brief review of the literatures_ Brownish disc orated and excessively thickened nails with onychogryphosis, hyperkeratosis of soles and knees, follicular lesions on elbow, knees and trunk, and leukoplakia of the tongue and oral mucous membrane were noted. |
Since the advent of effective antituberculous chomtherapy in the 1940s, the frequency and severity of intestinal tuberculosis have markedly decreased. But the incidence of tuberculous disease is still high in Korea. We have recently experienced a cases of intestinal tuberculosis with huge retroperitoneal tuberculous lymphadenitis simulating neoplasm in 2 year 3 month old female. The cases was reported with the brief review of literatures. |
A hematologic study was undertaken on 60 cases of control group and 53 cases of iron deficiency anemia group who visited the outpatient department of Pediatrics, Chungnam National University Hospital from January, 1984 to July, 1987 The results were as follows: 1) In 60 cases of control group between 1 to 15 year, hemoglobin was 12.5±1.7 gm/dl, MCV 82.4± 3.8 fl, and RDW 13.1 ±1.1% and... |
Among heterogenous group of developmental anomalies known as enteric duplication, mediastinal gastroenteric cysts are rare and of outstanding diagnostic importance, because without definitive treatment they can be fatal. Unlike other mediastinal cysts they are almost never asymtomatic. The authors experienced a case of mediastinal gastroenteric cyst in 1 year 7 month-old female patient with chief complaint of abnormal mass density in chest X-ray. The... |
Congenital hepatic fibrosis is a relatively rare disease of liver in children and young adults, manifesting a heredofamilial tendency, that is characterized by hepatosplenomegaly, protal hypertension and frequent renal involvement. A generalized portal and interlobular fibrosis of liver are characteristic finding on microscopy, with relative preservation of hepatocyte and liver function. Recently, we have experienced a case of congenital hepatic fibrosis in a... |
The systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic inflammatory disease involving skin, kidney, serous membrane, nervous system and other organs. We experienced a case of SLE accompanied with nephritis and arteritis on the region of the left thigh, diagnosed by clinical, serologic, immunologic, radiologic and pathologic evaluations. A 15 years old female patient was admitted to pediatric ward due to sustained pain on left... |
This is a study on plasma renin acitivity (PRA) which was obtanined from the patients with acute glomerulonephritis or nephrotic syndrome and normotensive control group admitted in Chungnam National University Hospital from Oct. 1985 to Aug. 1986 to confirm any differences of PRA between groups and to establish their influencing factors. The results were as follows; 1) PRA of noimal children in preschool age (3.49 ±0.98... |
caverneous lymphangioma in left neck and face, detected at birth and rapidly extended into adjacent tissues, such as infratemporal fossa, floor of mouth and anterior neck, which was confirmed surgically and pathologically and grave in prognosis. |
The purpose Qf this study is to presume the severity of epidemic encephalitis. 36 cases were selected among 81 cases of epidemic encephalitis admitted to Chungnam National University Hospital during Jan. 1981 to Dec. 1982, and divided into clinically mild and severe group. Two groups were compared the differences of their demographic, clinical and laboratory findings. The parameters significantly more encountered in the severe... |
There has been a significant decline of infectious disease in childhood due to an improvement of economy, living standard and medicine. But accidents in childhood is rather increased and encountered in major cause of death. The child is not so fully developed mentally and physically, that he is vulnerable to accident. Most accidents have been rocognized as being preventable with... |
Total 60 cases of the patients of neonatal tetanus were clinically evaluated who were admitted to the department of Pediatrics, Chungnam National University Hospital from Jan. 1976 to Dec. 1980 to identify the predisposing factors of death. The result were as follows; 1) The annual patients were encountered in 12 cases and the over all mortality was 42.9%. 2) Sex... |
Clinical review of 5 pediatric diabetes insipidus, who have been admitted and treated at Dept. of Pediatric in Chungnam University Hospital from Aug. 1974 to May 1979, were summarized as follows: 1) The common complaints were polyuria and polydipsia, and anorexia, general weakness, poor visual acuity, vomiting, and headache were associated occasionally. 2) Male to female ratio was 3:2, the... |
Among 152 premature infants admitted to Nursery of Chung Nam National University Hospital between Jan, 1975 & December 1977. We selected 44 premature babies who were clinically normal, 30 to 37 weeks aged gestationally, 1000 to 2200 gm weighed at birth and admitted within 24hrs after birth & observed mainly on the change of their body weight & intake from... |
A 7-year and 5-month old boy with Hunter syndrome is presented. Progressive mental retardation with hearing loss, speech disturbance and growth retardation developed at 1 year of age. Physical findings included dull facial appearance, short stature, macrocephaly, short neck, non-tender scalp nodules, large tongue, thick lips with opened mouth, flat nasal bridge, hirsutism, hepatomegaly, umbilical hearnia, undescended testes, painful limitation... |
Two cases of craniolacuna are reported. One is a four month-old male with a meningoencephalocele in the occiput. Skull X-ray films taken at age two days showed craniolacuna. It was not found on the films taken during admission at four months of age, and when hydrocephalus was evident. The other is a five month-old male with a meningocele in the posterior... |
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