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Case Report
Two cases of female hydrocele of the canal of nuck
Yu Mi Choi, Gyu Min Lee, Jung Bin Yi, Kyung Lim Yoon, Kye Shik Shim, Chong Woo Bae, Sung Il Choi, Hyun Cheol Kim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2012;55(4):143-146.   Published online April 30, 2012

The processus vaginalis within the inguinal canal forms the canal of Nuck, which is a homolog of the processus vaginalis in women. Incomplete obliteration of the processus vaginalis causes indirect inguinal hernia or hydrocele of the canal of Nuck, a very rare condition in women. Here, we report 2 cases of hydrocele of the canal of Nuck that were diagnosed...

Two Cases of Congenital Atrichia Associated with the Gastrointestinal Anomaly in Siblings
Jin Kyung Jung, Sang Ho Baik, Sa Young Kim, Eui Tak Oh, Hong Ja Kang, Kil Seo Kim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1996;39(9):1315-1320.   Published online September 15, 1996
Congenital atrichia is an anomaly characterized by congenital absence of hair in varying degrees as well as the hypopigmentation & poor development of the abnormal residual hair on the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes & body. Two cases of congenital atrichia in siblings were reviewed. The first case was associated with congenital megacolon and skin biopsy of scalp (esp. parietal region) was non-specific. The...
A Case of 45, XO/46, XY Mosaicism With Left Inguinal Herniation of The Ovary.
Young Hoon Song, Ha Baik Lee, Chong Moo Park, Yong Giun Baik, Poong Man Jung
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1983;26(6):606-610.   Published online June 30, 1983
In this report, we describsd a 50-days-old female infant who was a case of 45, XO/XY mosaicism with left inguinal herniation of the ovary. The patient manifested the clinical findings of clitorial enlargement and palpable mass in the left inguinal area. The patient was shown by chromosomal analysis of peripheral blood leukocytes to be an 45, XO/46, XY mosaic, shown by operation to be...


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