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Some neonates, especially those who are premature, may experience hypertension while in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The most common causes are prematurity-related and the hypertension usually resolves over the first 1–2 years of life. Unfortunately, the increasing population of NICU graduates is at risk for later cardiovascular and kidney disease in childhood and adulthood. This population requires careful attention to blood pressure and weight throughout their life course. |
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The Korean Neonatal Network (KNN) has collected population-based data for very low birth weight infants (VLBWIs) born in Korea since 2013. The survival rate of all VLBWIs was 86% in Korea. The overall prevalence of cerebral palsy was 6.2%–6.6%. Bilateral blindness and hearing loss were reported in 0.2%–0.3%, 0.8%–1.9%, respectively. The KNN has published annual reports and papers for facilitating the improvement of VLBWIs outcome in Korea. |
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Purpose: To investigate the effectiveness of transient intubation for surfactant administration and extubated to nasal continuous positive pressure (INSURE) for treatment of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) and to identify the factors associated with INSURE failure in extremely premature infants. Methods: Eighty-four infants with gestational age less than 28 weeks treated with surfactant administration for RDS for 8 years were included. Perinatal... |
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is characterized by inflammation with proteolytic damage to the lung extracellular matrix. The results from previous studies are inconsistent regarding the role of proteinases and antiproteinases in the development of BPD. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-8, MMP-9, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-2, and TIMP-1 levels in the serum of... |
While the survival of extremely premature infants with respiratory distress syndrome has increased due to advanced respiratory care in recent years, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) remains the leading cause of neonatal mortality and morbidity. NEC is more prevalent in lower gestational age and lower birth weight groups. It is characterized by various degrees of mucosal or transmural necrosis of the intestine.... |
Eosinophilia is common in premature infants, and its incidence increases with a shorter gestation period. We investigated the clinical significance of eosinophilia in premature infants born at <34 weeks gestation. We analyzed the medical records of premature infants born at <34 weeks gestation who were admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit at Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital between January 2003... |
PHACE association is a rare neurocutaneous condition in which facial hemangiomas associate with a spectrum of posterior fossa malformations, arterial cerebrovascular anomalies, cardiovascular anomalies, and eye anomalies. We reported a case of PHACE association in a premature infant showing facial, intracranial, and oropharyngeal hemangiomas with evidence of the Dandy-Walker variant and complicated cardiovascular anomalies, including a right-sided aortic arch and... |
The aim of this study was conducted to investigate the mean nRBC count in very low births weight infants (VLBWIs) and to determine the usefulness of the nRBC as an independent prognostic factors of perinatal complications in VLBWIs. This study was conducted on 112 VLBWIs who were hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of the author's hospital within the... |
In recent years, Korea has experienced a steadily declining birth rate, which is a serious social problem in the country. Although living conditions have improved, the birth rates for low birth weight infants and preterm babies has increased because more and more women choose to give birth later in life and the social environment has changed. The rise in low... |
Purpose : The purpose of this study was to identify factors influencing premature infants who are small for their gestational ago. Methods : The medical records of 1,010 premature infants of 26 to 35 weeks of gestational age born at Il-Sin Christian Hospital, Busan from January 2000 to August 2006 were reviewed. We collected data on gestational age, birth weight, infant... |
Purpose : We evaluated the diagnostic implications and therapeutic efficacy of antithrombin III(AT III) in the disseminated intravascular coagulation(DIC) of premature infants. Methods : Ninety-two premature infants diagnosed with DIC and treated with AT III from March, 2000 to May, 2003 were retrospectively reviewed. Clinical manifestations, complete blood counts, coagulation tests, and AT III levels were compared between the two groups... |
Purpose : It is now well established that infection and inflammation play an important role in the pathogenesis of ischemic brain damage. The loss of neutrophils from systemic circulation is an associated finding in injury mediated by granulocyte. Periventricular leukomalacia(PVL) caused by ischemia is the principal form of brain injury in premature infants. This study was conducted to evaluate whether... |
Purpose : Cholestasis is a major complication in prolonged use of TPN, especially in the neonatal period, but there are few long-term reviews examining the clinical course in premature infants. Thus, in this study, we reviewed premature infants with TPN-associated cholestasis(TPNAC) to determine the incidence, clinical courses and possible risk factors. Methods : Retrospective review of 66 premature infants less than... |
Purpose : Serum prealbumin concentration has been proposed as a useful nutritional marker that responds rapidly and sensitively to calory and protein intake. But the reports of prealbumin in premature infants are not sufficient and variable. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of serum prealbumin concentration as a marker for nutritional adequacy in premature infants. Methods... |
Purpose : To establish reference ranges for thyroid hormone concentrations in premature infants, we measured T4 and thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH) concentrations and analyzed the relation to gestational age and birth weight. Methods : Serum T4 and TSH concentrations were measured by radioimmunoassay for 391 premature infants born in Sanggye Paik Hospital for two years and eight months. Results : Gestational age of... |
Purpose : Premature infants have low serum immunoglobulin G(IgG) levels because IgG is transplacentally acquired, primarily after 32-34 weeks of gestational age. We studied the transplacental transfer of serum IgG in preterm infants. Methods : The IgG levels in the sera were measured by radial immunodiffusion method(Behring nephelometer, Germany). Results : There was a significant difference between IgG concentration and gestational age; the IgG concentration increased... |
Purpose : Patent ductus arteriosus, derived left to right shunt flows, elevate the pulmonary artery pressure in infants and children and may alter right ventricular afterload thereby right ventricular function. Therefore, we examined the effects of patent ductus arteriosus on the right ventricular systolic time interval in premature infants by non-invasive Doppler echocardiography. Methods : Tweleve premature infants with patent ductus arteriosus were studied... |
Reports of systemic candidiasis in neonates have been noted recently with its major advances in neonatal care permitting the frequent survival of low birth weight infant. Factors influencing the development of systemic candidiasis include prematurity, very low birth weight, the presence of intravascular catheter, the use of hyperalimentation, prolonged broad spectrum antimicrobial therapy and prolonged endotracheal intubation. We experienced two cases... |
Transfusion-acquired perinatal cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection can cause significant morbidity and mortality, particularly in premature infants with a birth wight of less than 1,500 gm. This recognizable syndrome consisted of deterioration of respiratory function, hepatosplenogaly, unusual gray pallor with disturbing septic appearance, lymphocytosis, thrombocytopenia and hemolytic anemia. We experienced transfusion-acquired CMV infections in 2 premature infants with a birth weight of... |
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a common disease that occurred in 20 〜 40 percent of premature infants. The incidence of PDA is inversely related to the gestational age and birth weight. Hemodynamically significant PDA increases the morbidity and mortality of premature infants. So, the management of PDA is one of the major problems in neonatal intensive care unit. Based on experimental animal studies,... |
Systemic infection with Candida albicans in very premature infants is frequently fatal or associated with significant morbidity in survivors. Several common practices in newborn intensive care units, such as insertion of indwelling catheters, provision of parenteral nutrition, and prolonged administra- tion of broad-spectrum antibiotics or aminophylline, are associated with an increased risk of systemic disease. We have experienced a case of systemic candidiasis in 1/365... |
In order to estimate the influence of systemic hemodynamic change in cerebral blood flow before and after closure of ductus arteriosus in premature mewborn infants, blood flow velocities of internal carotid artery (ICA), anterior cerebral artery (ACA) and middle cerebral artery (MCA) were measured in 17 premature newborn infants by pulsed Doppler ultrasonography. The data was compared with those of normal full-term infants by... |
We conducted a clinical controlled trial of exogenous surfactant replacement therapy in premature infants with hyaline membrane disease at the neonatal intensive care unit of Yonsei University Medical Center form Nov. 1987 to May 1988. Sixteen premature infants with severe HMD were randomly assigned to control group or surfactant-treated group. Eight infants (mean gestational age 29.9±2.8 week, mean birth weight 1, 425±308.9 gm) were given... |
Serial blood glucose values were measured over the first twenty-four hours of life on 202 healthy permature infants. Whose weights were less than 2,300 grams. The 76 infants who were evaluated over a period of four weeks divided into two groups; 22 premature infants weighing less than 1,700 grams at birth, and 54 premature infants weighing over 1,700 grams. Eight... |
The blood glucose response to a constant glucose infusion were measured in 62 premature infants weighing 1,000 to 2,200 gm. The study includes 32 stressed premature infants who had respiratory distress, Necrotizing enterocolitis, premature rupture of membranes, sepsis and 30 control premature infants. During the first three hours of life, the glucose values were similar in both stressed and the control groups. During the four... |
A prospective observation for growth (by weight) of 100 premature infants (some low birthweight infants were included) were conducted at the premature baby ward of Hanyang University Hospital during the one year period from May, 1981 to April, 1982. 100 subjects of the observation were devided in to 2 groups (A and B). Group A was consisted of 50 premature... |
Serial platelet counts performed at four day intervals on forty two healthy premature infants whose birth weights were less than 2200 grams. The forty two infants were divided into two groups: twelve premature infants weighing less than 1700 grams, and thirty prematures infants weighing over 1700 grams at birth. We evaluated the length of time for the platetet counts of... |
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