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Allogenic bone marrow transplantation in rabbit.
Kir Young Kim, Duk Hee Kim, Young Mo Shon, Kwan Sub Chung, Hong Jin Kim, Duk Jin Yun
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1982;25(9):867-879.   Published online September 30, 1982
Allogenic bone marrow transplantation was done with Korean unspecified rabbits. Fresh bone marrow cell of different sex was infused to the recipient. The study group was divid- edfive groups according to immunosuppresive drugs. Each group was consited of 20 rebbits, was exposed to 1200 Rad. Group A, which were not have bone marrow transplantation, showed 100% mortality rate after 8 weeks. Group 8, which did not...
Changes in Serum Complement and Immunglonulins following Cardiopulmonary Bypass.
Hong Jin Kim, Jun Hee Sul, Sung Kyn Lee, Dong Shik Chin, Kwang Ho Kim, Pill Whoon Hong
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1982;25(8):781-786.   Published online August 31, 1982
Clinical problem occuring in the early post operative period after cardiopulmonary bypass may ne related to the altered function of capillary bed which was affected by activation of complement system. This is so called post perfusion syndrome. We selected 20 patients with confirmed congenital heart disease by cariac catheterization. We studied the changes in the C3 , immunolglobulins, total protein,...
Clinical Studies of Tetralogy of Fallot : Factors Affecting Outcome of Operation.
Hong Jin Kim, Jun Hee Sui, Sung Kyu Lee, Dong shick Chin, Sung Nok Hong
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1982;25(3):225-233.   Published online March 31, 1982
Tetralogy of Fallot is one of the most common cyanotic congenital heart disease. It consists of four features anatomically pulmonic stenosis or atresia, ventricular septal defect, overriding aorta, and right ventricular hypertrophy. One hundred and ninety one cases of Tetralogy of Fallot were confirmed by cardiaccatheterization at Severance Hospital. These were observed on general feature, cardiac catheterization findings and outcome...
Case Report
A Case of Yersenia Enterocolitica Enteritis Simulating Shigellosis.
Hong Jin Kim, Hee Chung Chung, Chul Lee, Pyung Kil Kim, Yun Sub Chung
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1981;24(5):492-496.   Published online May 15, 1981
We report a case of gastroenteritis due to Yersinia enterocolitica in a 7month old male infant who was misdiagnosed as shigellosis at onset of illness. He was treated with Gentamicin successfully. A marked improvement was resulted in clinical symptoms and laboratory finding at the time of discharge. It is a second case of Y.enterocolitica which is proved by stool culture...


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