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Original Article
Hepatitis associated with Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in Korean children: a prospective study
Kyu Won Kim, Jae Jin Sung, Hann Tchah, Eell Ryoo, Hye Kyung Cho, Yong Han Sun, Kang Ho Cho, Dong Woo Son, In Sang Jeon, Yun Mi Kim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2015;58(6):211-217.   Published online June 22, 2015

Mycoplasma pneumoniae (MP) infection is a major cause of respiratory infection in school-aged children. Extrapulmonary manifestations of MP infection are common, but liver involvement has been rarely reported. The aim of this study was to determine the clinical characteristics of MP-associated hepatitis.


This prospective study included 1,044 pediatric patients with MP infection diagnosed serologically with MP IgM at one medical center...

Hepatitis Complicated with Mycoplasma pneumoniae Infection in Children
Seung Min Lee, Sung Moon Lee, Hann Tchah, In Sang Jeon, Eell Ryoo, Kang Ho Cho, Yong Han Seon, Dong Woo Son, Hee Joo Hong
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2005;48(8):832-838.   Published online August 15, 2005
Purpose : Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection is relatively common in childhood. Its extrapulmonary manifestations have been reported so much, but hepatitis associated with it has been reported rarely in Korea. Methods : A clinical study was performed on 556 patients of M. pneumoniae pneumonia diagnosed serologically at Gil hospital from January 2001 to December 2004. We reviewed 65 cases among these patients,...
Case Report
A Case of Congenital Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis in Two Siblings
Yung Min Jang, Mi Ran Park, Sung Yoon Byun, Jae Young Kim, In Sang Jeon, Kwang Jun Kim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1993;36(7):1025-1029.   Published online July 15, 1993
Original Article
The Impact of Large Amount Whole Cow's Milk Intake on Iron Status in Early Childhood
Sung Yoon Byun, Mi Ran Park, In Sang Jeon
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1993;36(7):968-974.   Published online July 15, 1993
To determine the impact of intake large amount whole cow's milk (WCM) on iron status during early childhood(18~36 months), selected indices of complete blood count (CBC) and iron status were compared between the WCM large amount intake group (n=20) and small amount intake group (n=20). WCM large amount intake children's mean hemoglobin and mean hematocrit were 9.6¡¾1.7g/dl and 30.8¡¾4.5% respectively. These...
Factors which Affect the Serum Ferritin in Whole Cow's Related Iron Deficiency Anemia Children
In Sang Jeon
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1992;35(2):219-225.   Published online February 15, 1992
The adverse effect of introducing whole cow's milk (WCM) into the diet of children are still controversial. Between March 1990 and February 1991 a retrospective study was undertaken to assess the factors which affect the serum ferritin in 20 whole cow's milk related iron deficiency anemia children ,experience at the department of Pediatrics, Chung Goo Sung Sim Hospital. The values...
A case of pancytopenia associated with mycoplasmal pneumonia.
Young Mee Yoo, Beom Soo Park, In Sang Jeon, Hee Young Shin, Hyo Seop Ahn, Se Jung Sohn
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1991;34(6):826-831.   Published online June 30, 1991
Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection is manifestated as pneumonia and extra-pulmonary symptoms such as hematologic, neurologic, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, dermatologic and cardiac manifes- tations. Among the hematologic changes, hemolytic anemia is most frequently seen. Throm- bocytopenic purpura, lymphocytosis or rarely lymphopenia, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, positive direct Coombs test, reticulocytosis and DIC are known hematologic features. This 12 years old female patient was presented with pneumonia and pancytopenia....
Malignant Schwannomas in children.
Joon Jai Kim, Dong Joo Shin, Dong Won Son, Hong Hoe Koo, In Sang Jeon, Hee Young Shin, Hyo Seop Ahn
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1991;34(4):525-531.   Published online April 30, 1991
Six pediatric patients who were diagnosed as malignant Schwannoma and treated at Seoul National University Children’s Hospital from Aug. 1981 to Jun. 1990 were reviewed. Mean age was 11 years and 1 month and all cases except one were over 10 years old. Of six cases, three (50%) were associated with von Recklinghausen’s disease. Overall male to female ratio was 1 : 2. In...
A Case of Thanatophoric Dysplasia.
Eun Sil Kim, Hyun Joo Choi, Mi Ran Park, Jae Yun Kim, In Sang Jeon, Kwang Jeon Kim, Bum Woo Yum
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1990;33(11):1593-1597.   Published online November 30, 1990
Thanatophoric dysplasia is a short limb dwarf condition in which respiratory distress is responsible for death in the first hours or days after birth. We experienced a case of thanatophoric dysplasia who presented striking disproportion of trunk and extremities. The head was relatively large, the trunk was narrow and normal length, and the extremities were markedly shortened. The radiologic feature of this dysplasia was characteristic....
A Case of Conjoined Twins.
Hyun Joo Choi, Eun Sil Kim, In Sang Jeon, Myung Chul Cho, Kwang Jeon Kim, Nae In Lim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1990;33(11):1562-1566.   Published online November 30, 1990
Conjoined twins is known to be very rare and to have various anatomical unions. We have experienced a case of conjoined twins which was delivered by elective Caesarian section. A case of thoracoventropagus conjoined twins is presented with brief review of literature.
Whole Cow's milk Related iron Deficiency Anemia in Early Childhood.
In Sang Jeon, Heon Seok Han, Hyo Seop Ahn, Jin Q Kim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1990;33(10):1374-1379.   Published online October 31, 1990
To study the relationship between large amount of whole cow’s milk (WCM) intake and iron deficiency anemia (IDA) in early childhood, we carried out the study on 9 children with IDA, who were fed WCM, about 1,000 ml over 3 months, experienced at the department of Pediatrics, Seoul National University Hospital, during 5 months from March 1989 to July 1989. The results were as...
A Clinical Study of Childhood Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma.
In Sang Jeon, Hyo Seop Ahn, Chong Ku Yun
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1990;33(6):807-820.   Published online June 30, 1990
To study the clinical characteristics and treatment result of childhood NHL, the retrospective study was performed on 82 children with NHL, experienced at the department of Pediatrics, Seoul National University Hospital, during 10 years from January 1979 to December 1988. The results were as follows; 1) The sex ratio of male to female was 2.4:1. 2) The age of patients ranged from 8 months to 15 years,...
Three cases of Chronic Meningitis.
Soon Mee Park, In Sang Jeon, Hyung Ro Moon
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1990;33(4):544-552.   Published online April 30, 1990
Chronic menigitis may be defined as symptoms and signs of meningeal inflammation lasting four weeks or longer. It has many infectious and noninfectious causes. Tuberculous and fungal infections are the most common causes. But no cause is found in the significant portions of chronic meningitis(idiopathic meningitis), although most appear to respond to treatment either with anti-tuberculosis drugs or steroids. Intereastingly eosinophilic pleocytosis in the cerebrospinal...
A Case of Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma in a Premenarchal Girl.
Hong Hoe Koo, Sang Oh Na, In Sang Jeon, Hyo Seop Ahn, Wan Suk Park, Suk Koo Lee, Kwi Won Park, Chong Jai Kim, Je Geun Chi
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1990;33(1):124-128.   Published online January 31, 1990
In childhood, cancer of the ovary is highly unusual. It is responsible for only 1—2% of cancers found in patients under the age of 17. The frequency with which the various histologic types of ovarian neoplasm occur in childhood differs from that in adults. Epithelial tumors account for 70% to 80% of ovarian neoplasms in adults but only 20% in patients less than...
A Case of Bilateral Wilms' Tumor.
Hyun Jun Cho, In Sang Jeon, Hyo Seop Ahn, Hwang Choi
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1990;33(1):117-123.   Published online January 31, 1990
Bilateral Wilms’ tumor is a relatively uncommon disease. We experienced a case of bilateral Wilms’ tumor in a 3 year 9 month-old boy. He had favorable histology on the both sides with pulmonary metastasis. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy on the lung and left renal bed were performed after left radical nephrectomy with biopsy on the right tumor. There was a good response to chemotherapy...
Clinical Application of Shake test od Gastric Aspiretes for the Prediction od Respiratory Distress Syndrome in the Newborn infants.
In Sang Jeon, Hann Tchah, Myoung Jae Choi, Beyng Il Kim, Jung Hwan Choi, Chong Ku Yun
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1989;32(3):349-358.   Published online March 31, 1989
To study the predictive value of gastric aspirates shake test on respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in the newborn infants, we carried out the shake test on gastric aspirates of all newborn who admitted to NICU of Seoul National University Hospital from July 1986 to December 1987. We successfully carried out gastric aspirates shake test on 96 newborn infants and analyzed the relation between gastric...
A Clinical Observation on Esolhageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal Fistula.
In Sang Jeon, Jung Hwan Choi, Jeong Kee Seo, Chong Ku Yun, Sung Chul Lee, Kwi Won Park, Woo ki Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1988;31(6):691-699.   Published online June 30, 1988
To study the clinical characteristics of esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula, we carried out a retrospective review on medical records of 39 patients who were diagnosed as that by the operation, autopsy or radiolgy at the department of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, Seoul National University Hospital between January 1980 and June 1987. The results were summarized as follows; 1) Type A was most common (94.8%) among...


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