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Analysis of Contaminated Ground Water Inducing Methemoglobinemia and Epidemiologic Investigation of Contaminated Ground Water
Bu Heon Lee, Ji Young Suh, Nam Su Kim, Hang Lee, Young Yeul Kim, Bo Youl Choi, Hung Bae Park, Min Young Kim, In Hak Yeo
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1995;38(4):507-512.   Published online April 15, 1995
Purpose : Drining of Nitrate-contaminated water has been the most common cause of acquired methemoglobinemia. We had cyanotic infant diagnosed as methemoglobinemia caused by feeding with powdered formula mixed with nitrate-contaminated ground water. Methods : We had done epidemiologic investigation to identify the cause of an infant's methemoglobinemia. Analysis of ground water and blood test of involved family members and neighbors...
The Growth Hormone-Binding Proteins in Human Serum: Partial characterization and Regulation
Ji Young Suh, Bu Hun Lee, Jeh Hoon Shin, Hang Lee, Seong Ryul Jang
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1994;37(10):1427-1436.   Published online October 15, 1994
We assessed abotu growth homone binding proteins(GHP|BP) activity which was measured eluted biotin GH fraction with alkaline phosphatase-streptavidine in children with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus(IDDM), short stature due to growth hormone deficiency(GHD), chronic renal failure, short stature due to nutritional deficiency. Hypothyroidism, and noraml control groups using high pressure liquid chromatography protein pak 300 sw column. The following results are observed: 1)...