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Original Article
A Comparative clinical study of Intussusception with Barium or Surgical Reduction.
Hyeon Soo Lee, Chang Ho Hong, Ki Sub Chung, Sung Gyu Lee, Ki Gun Oh, Sung Guk Sohn
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1988;31(9):1146-1152.   Published online September 30, 1988
A chinical study was performed on 294 cases of intussusception in infants and children, who were admitted to the Department of Pediatrics, Yong Dong Severance Hospital from January, 1983 to December, 1986. 240 cases were treated by barium reduction, were analysed clinically and were compared with 54 cases treated surgrally. The results were as followed: 1) As for the peak incidence of intussusception, 30.4% of...
Statistical Observation for Pediatric Inpatients.
Keun Chan Sohn, Sung Sook Cho, Kwang Chan Doh, Yong Choi, Ki Sub Chung, Dong Hyuk Kum, Sung Taek Kim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1984;27(1):1-8.   Published online January 31, 1984
We observed patients admitted to the department of Pediatrics of 24 general hospitals in Korea during the past five years from Jan. 1976 to Dec. 1980 and classified them, by year & disease according to the International Classification of Disease by W.H.O.(1965 Revision). The results were as follows: 1)The total number of pediatric inpatients was 138,136 with about 10% yearly...
Etiological & Clinical Study for Neonatal Hepatitis & Biliary Atresia.
Ki Sub Chung, Kir Young Kim, Hyo Kyu Kim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1983;26(5):440-448.   Published online May 31, 1983
The following result WBS obtained through the clinical observation of 67 cases with neonatal hepatitis, 7 cases with extrahepaticbiliary atresia, 1 case with intrahepatic biliary atresia admitted at Department of Pediatrics, Yonsei University Hospital during the period of January, 1979 through October, 1982. The clinical & etiological study was performed by the Hepatitis B marker, Liver function test, Liver scan, pathologic findings by percutaneous liver...
A Prospective Study of Intrafamilial Spread in Hepatitis B Viral Infection.
Ki Sub Chung, Jong Wie Choi
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1982;25(12):1210-1217.   Published online December 31, 1982
The pediatric liver disease involves primarily viral infection of type A or type B. Presently the hepatitis incidences are on the rising trend in Korea, especially the type B viral hepatitis. It is estimated that approximately 4〜5% of the school children are HBsAg chronic carriers which are posing threat to citizens health status. We examined 264 patients admitted to Severance hospital at Yonsei medical...
Cluster of Guillain-Barre Syndrome.
Young Mo Sohn, Sung Sik Lee, Kwan Sub Chung, Ki Sub Chung, Seung Kyu Lee, Pyung Kil Kim, Kir Young Kim, Duk Jin Yun, Kyoung Ja Cho
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1981;24(9):820-825.   Published online September 15, 1981
Of 7 cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome reviewed, which was admitted to the Department of Pediatrics Yonsei University, College of Medicine during 3 months period from July through September 1980, serologic surveys for an infectious agent were found to be without demonstrable causes such as cytomegalovirus and measles virus. We reviewed 87 acses of Guillain-Barre syndrome, which was admitted to our...
Case Report
Two Cases of Moyamoya Disease.
Kyo Sun Kim, Han Soo Choi, Ki Sub Chung, Duk Jin Yun
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1981;24(7):699-702.   Published online July 15, 1981
Moyamoya disease is characterised by stenosis or occlusion in the distal portions of the internal carotid artery. There is the associated finding of a fine network of abnormal vessels ('moyamoya' vessels, that is 'puff of smoke' like appearance) in the region of the basal ganglia. We experienced two cases of moyamoya disease which was confirmed by carotid angiogram. Case 1...
Original Article
Clinical Study of Gastrointestinal perforation in the Newborn.
Ki Sub Chung, Jung Sik Park, Young Mo Son, Ki Young Lee, Duk Jin Yun
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1980;23(3):220-227.   Published online March 15, 1980
A clinical study was made on 10 neonates with gastrointestinal perforation admitted to the department of pediatrics and surgery of Severance hospital from January, 1965, through Jane, 1978. The following results were obtained; 1) Males predominate (7M : 3F). 2) 7 cases of perforations occur in the first 2 days of life. 3) The most common site of perforations is...
Case Report
Lupus Nephritis: 2 cases report and literature review.
Hong Kyu Lee, Young Mo Sohn, Soo Hyung Kim, Ki Sub Chung, Phung Kil Kim, Duk Jin Yun, Tai Seung Kim, In Joon Choi
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1979;22(7):538-545.   Published online July 15, 1979
Lupus nephritis is one of complication of systemic lupus erythematous involving many organ systems. And the incidence of renal involvement is about 80%. Principal site of renal injury is glomerulus, and immune complex and complements are deposited in mesangium, basement membrane capillary loops of the glomerulus in lupus nephritis. Histopathologically, 4 distinct forms of renal injury may be seen such...
A Case of Uhls Anomaly.
Jun Hee Sul, Ki Chun Kim, Ki Sub Chung, Sung Kyu Lee, Chang Jin Kim, Jae Yun Rho
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1979;22(6):476-480.   Published online June 15, 1979
Congenital hypoplasia of the right ventricular myocardium, also known as parchment heart or Uhl's anomaly, is a rare congenital heart defect. It was first described in Oslers principles and Practice of Medicine in 1905 and reviewed by Segall We found 29 reported cases, but there was no reported case in Korea. Recently, we experienced a case of Uhls anomaly associated...
Original Article
A Clinical Study on Reye Syndrome.
Soo Hyung Kim, Ki Sub Chung, Chang Jun Coe, Dong Shick Jin
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1977;20(9):685-693.   Published online September 30, 1977
This is a clinical study of 33 cases of Reye's syndrome hospitalized at Yonsei Medical Cetner from 1971 through Jun 1976. We observed following results; 1) Among the 33 cases, 6 were diagnosed by liver biopsy, 5 by autopsy and the rest 22 were diagnosed by clinical features and laboratory finding. 2) The sex ratio of male to female was...
Case Report
A Case of Cavernous Hemangioma Attached to the Falciform Ligament of the Liver
Tai Euk Kim, Yon Woo Lee, Ki Sub Chung, Chang Jun Coe, Duk Jin Yun, Eui Ho Hwang
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1976;19(9):686-690.   Published online September 30, 1976
Authors experienced a case of cavernous hemangioma attached to the falciform ligament of the liver in a 9 years and 2 months old boy. It seems to be the first case reported in the literature. The review of literature was made briefly.
Original Article
Statistical Observations of Eosinophilia in Infancy and Childhood
Chang Joo Cho, Ki Sub Chung, Kil Duk Chang, Ki Young Lee, Kyung Sook Park, Dong Sik Chin
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1973;16(2):107-112.   Published online February 28, 1973
Eosinophilia of infancy and childhood were studied among in-patients of the Pediatric Department of Severance Hospital and World Vision Children’s Hospital from 1969 to 1670, 2000 in number. (1000 cases from both hospital) The incidence of eosinophilia was 10. 2% of in-patients in both hospital and was highest between 7~ 12 years of age. Distribution of eosinophiles were 6〜15% in eosinophilia...
Case Report
Sustained Hypertension with Adrenal Medullary Hyperplasia in a 13-year-old Korean Girl
Ki Sub Chung, Ton Sang Park, Pyung Kil Kim, Duk Jin Yun, Kyong Sik Lee, Hong Yul Choi, Yong Kyu Yoon
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1971;14(10):660-665.   Published online October 31, 1971
The most common cause of benign hypertension in childhood has been renal origin, but the paroxysmal hypertension was noted mostly in the tumors originated from the chromaffin tissue such as pheochromocytoma, and very rarely in adrenal medullary hyperplasia. Drukker et al.n described the adrenal medullary hyperplasia which arised from the adrenal gland at the first time as a counterpart to...
Original Article
Clinical Review of Neonatal Tetanus(54 Cases and Review of Literature)
Ki Sub Chung, Han Ky Hwang, Dong Shik Chin
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1971;14(7):449-455.   Published online July 31, 1971
Neonatal tetanus is still one of the serious problem in Korea because of its high incidence. The incidence of neonatal tetanus is not changed since past 10 years rather than decreased. Prevention is most important although therapeutic regimen advances recently. As Schofield et al.25 and Mac-Lennan et al.3) studied, active immunization of pregnant women with plain toxoids or AIPO4 toxoids...
Case Report
Intussusception in Henoch-Schoenlein Purpura
Ki Sub Chung, Joo Ryong Kim, Won Chull Kim, Duk Jin Yun, Eui Ho Hwang, Jung Ho Suh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1971;14(4):227-230.   Published online April 30, 1971
Intussusception in Henoch-Schoenlein purpura is of interest because of its rarity and the importance of making what may be a difficult diagnosis. In the world literature there were less than 40 cases of intussusception in Henoch-Schoenlein purpura up to 1962 by Grossman et al. Our patient seems to be the first case in Korea. We presented a case of intussusception...
A Case of Ganglioneuroma in Childhood
Ki Sub Chung, Hyeong Seok Yi, Duk Jin Yun, Sung Nok Hong, Hong Yul Choi
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1970;13(11):657-662.   Published online November 30, 1970
Ganglioneuroma is a rare benign neurogenic tumor which arises from sympathetic nervous system. It has a wide distribution but is located frequently in the posterior mediastinum. In Korea there is no report of ganglioneuroma in childhood. We observed a case of ganglioneuroma which arised from sympathetic nerve ganglia in the posterior mediastinum in all year old girl, and the tumor was...
Cushing’s Syndrome in Infancy
Pyung Kil Kim, Ki Sub Chung, Duk Jin Yun, Sang Hyon Suh, Sang Ho Cho
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1969;12(11):639-648.   Published online November 30, 1969
There are little reports on the Cushing’s syndrome in children, especially in infancy in Korea. We have found recently a case of Cushing’s syndrome in infancy arising from a female infant. She has been complained from eleven month of age with general obesity including buffalo hump, excessive weight: gain, hirsutism and polyphgagia. Laboratory tests revealed that no thymic shadow in...


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