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Original Article
One Hundred Cases of HLA-matched Sibling Allogeneic bone Marrow Transplantation in Children : Single Center Study
Hack Ki Kim, Bin Cho, Nak Gyun Chung, Dae Chul Jeong, Soh Yeon Kim, Hyun Jung Lee, Kyong Su Lee, Kyung Ja Han, Won Il Kim, Il Bong Choi, Chun Choo Kim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2000;43(3):402-410.   Published online March 15, 2000
Purpose : We reviewed 100 cases of HLA-matched sibling allogeneic bone marrow transplantation( allo-BMT) in children and wish to share these results. Methods : One hundred children had undergone allo-BMT from HLA-identical siblings between Nov. 1983 and May 1998. There were 50 males and 50 females with a median age of 10 years and a median follow-up of 38 months. Out of 100 cases,...
Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody in Kawasaki Disease
Soh-Yeon Kim, So Young Kim, Wonbae Lee, Kyong Su Lee, Ji-Min Kang
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1998;41(6):808-812.   Published online June 15, 1998
Purpose : Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody(ANCA) has been identified in various disorders including Wegener' s granulomatosis, microscopic polyarteritis and Kawasaki disease. Measuring this antibody has a diagnostic role. It facilitates monitoring disease activity and may also help understand the pathogenesis of the diseases in which it is found. We investigated the correlation between the hematologic findings and ANCA in acute Kawasaki disease and the diagnostic potential...
Congenital Asymptomatic Cytomegalovirus Infection; A Comparison of Specific IgM Antibody Test and pp65 Antigenemia Assay
Jong Hyun Kim, Eun Ah Seo, Ji Hyang Lim, Sang Hee Park, Won Bae Lee, Kyong Su Lee, Sin Ho Jung
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1998;41(2):163-169.   Published online February 15, 1998
Purpose : It is increasingly important to diagnosis asymptomatic infections which make up a majority(90%) of congenital cytomegalovirus(CMV) infections and that they may have sequeles such as sensorineural hearing loss and mental retardation. Recently antigenemia assay has been developed by using monoclonal antibodies against early structural protein pp65 of CMV. This CMV antigenemia assay seems to be more quicker to...
Case Report
A Case of von Gierke Disease
Young A Joe, Moon Young Song, Bin Cho, Soon Ju Lee, In Kyung Sung, Kyong Su Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1997;40(12):1756-1760.   Published online December 15, 1997
von Gierke disease(type Ia glycogen storage disease) is an inherited disease associated with accumulation of glycogen in the liver, kidney, intestine and erythrocytes due to the defect of glucose-6-phosphatase activity. Hepatomegaly, doll face, anemia, bleeding tendency and increased susceptability to infection are common features observed during infancy. Hypoglycemia especially fasting hypoglycemia is typical metabolic derangement in this disease, followed by metabolic acidosis, lactic acidemia, hyperlipidemia, hyperuricemia,...
A Case of Pena-Shokeir Phenotype in Trisomy 18 Syndrome
Ki Hun Song, Jee Yeon Song, In Kyung Sung, Kyong Su Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1997;40(9):1303-1308.   Published online September 15, 1997
Pena-Shokeir syndrome is a rare, often lethal disease, characterized by intrauterine growth retardation, craniofacial anomalies, limb ankylosis, polyhydramnios and pulmonary hypoplasia. This autosomal recessive disease should be differentiated from trisomy 18, which the second most common multiple congenital malformation syndrome. It is therefore clear that the two syndromes have certain features in common, the most consistent being craniofacial and limb abnormalities and intrathoracic pathology. Therefore,...
Original Article
Pertussis Antibodies in the Sera of Children after Acellular Pertussis Vaccination
Jeong Hwa Lee, Young Hee Ha, Ji Whan Han, Won Bae Lee, Kyong Su Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1997;40(2):167-172.   Published online February 15, 1997
Purpose : The pertussis vaccines are divided into whole-cell vaccine and acellular vaccine. Purified component acellular pertussis vaccine, originally developed in Japan, has been used for primary immunization series in Korea since 1984. We performed this study to evaluate the prevalence of pertussis antibodies following vaccination with acellular pertussis vaccine. Methods : We randomized 80 children who were immunized according to vaccine schedules...
Use of Fluorescent in Situ Hybridization to Evaluate the Number of Chromosomes in Buccal Smear Cells in Normal Newborn Infants
Byoung Chan Lee, Jee Yeon Song, So Young Kim, Hyun Hee Kim, Seunghoon Han, Jong-In Byun, Wonbae Lee, Kyong Su Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1995;38(11):1470-1475.   Published online November 15, 1995
Purpose : The diagnosis for chromosomal anomality has been made by obtaining cells in metaphase from peripheral blood and fresh tissue culture. But this method is difficult to perform because somewhat invasive and necessary time for cell culture and staining(48-72hr). Recently, the method to find numerical abnormalities in, autosome and sex chromosome of adult buccal mucosal smear by FISH was...
Intermittent Central Nervous System Irradiation and Intrathecal Chemotherapy for Recurrent Central Nervous System Leukemia in Children
Joon Ho Bang, Nak Gyun Chung, Woo Gun Choi, Hack Ki Kim, Kyong Su Lee, Man Kyu Yang
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1993;36(8):1067-1072.   Published online August 15, 1993
Between 1986 and 1990, four children with recurrent CNS leukemia who had previous NS prophylaxis therapy were treated with intermittent central nervous system irradiation and intrathecal chemotherapy (IIC). There was no isolated CNS recurrence. One patient died from bone marrow relapse. Three patients are alive without evidence of disease for 33/12 year to 36/12 years after the diagnosis of recurrence...
Treatment of Aplastic Anemia
Nak Gyun Chung, Kyu Jin Bhang, Woo Gun Choi, Hack Ki Kim, Kyong Su Lee, Man Kyu Yang
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1993;36(8):1059-1066.   Published online August 15, 1993
We performed this study to evaluate the therapeutic responses of bone marrow transplantation and immunosuppressive therapy for aplastic anemia in 103 cases(68 severe and 35 moderate). Among them, 15 cases with severe aplastic anemia having HLA-identical sibling donor underwent bone marrow transplantation, and cases (53 severe and 35 moderate cases) without available HLA-identical sibling donor had received immunosuppressive therapy using...
Case Report
A Case of Bile Peritonitis Due to Spontaneous Perforation of Choledochal Cyst in Infant
Yong Gi Kim, Byung Chan Lee, Woo Gun Choi, Byung Churl Lee, Kyong Su Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1993;36(7):1039-1043.   Published online July 15, 1993
Bile peritonitis due to spontaneous perforation of choledochal cyst is a rare disease and the etiology of spontaneous perforation is unknown in most of infant cases. Recently, we experienced a case of bile peritonitis caused by spontaneous perforation of choledochal cyst in a 6 month-old female infant. She had progressive abdominal distention with ascites, mild jaundice and intermittent passage of acholic...
Original Article
The Factors on the Development of Coronary Arterial Involvement in Kawasaki Disease
Sang Yen Kim, Jong Hyun Kim, Jong In Byun, Won Bae Lee, Byung Churl Lee, Kyung Tai Whang, Kyong Su Lee, Sung Hoon Cho
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1992;35(10):1328-1335.   Published online October 15, 1992
In Kawasaki disease, coronary arterial involvement is an important prognostic factor. Many studies have reported about risk factors of coronary artery disease in Kawasaki disease. This study was designed to evaluate factors influencing coronary arterial involvement and to evaluate the effect of intravenous gammaglobulin (IVG) when admitted on the widely used criteria in Korea. Fiftyfour patients meeting the CDC criteria...
Case Report
A Case of Unilateral Absence of Pulmonary Artery
Joon Ho Bang, Sang Nyen Kim, Jong In Byun, Won Bae Lee, Byung Churl Lee, Kyong Su Lee, Sung Hoon Cho
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1992;35(6):873-878.   Published online June 15, 1992
A Unilateral Absence of Pulmonary Artery(UAPA), which develops occasionally as one of the associated anomaly in congenital cardiovascular defect like as tetralogy of Fallot, is rare anomaly as an isolated congenital defect. We have recently experienced a case of UAPA in a 9 years old boy, which was diagnosed by perfusion scan, digital subtraction angiography. So we report this case...
Original Article
Treatment of severe aplastic anemia: comparison between bone marrow transplantation and immunomodulation.
Dae Chul Jeong, Sung Dong Choi, Woo Gun Choi, Hack Ki Kim, Kyong Su Lee, Du Bong Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1991;34(2):172-179.   Published online February 28, 1991
Twenty, six children younger than 15 years with severe aplastic anemia underwent either bone marrow transplantation or immunomodulation therapy (antilymphocyte globulin with cyclosporin A therapy). Six patients who had an HLA-identical sibling donor underwent bone marrow transplantation after conditioning with cyclophosphamide, procarbazine and antilymphocyte globulin. Twenty children who did not have an HLA-identical donor recieved antilymphocyte globulin and cyclosporin A. The results were as follows; 1) Hematologic responses:...
Molecular analysis of childhood acute lekemia.
Hack Ki Kim, Kyong Su Lee, Sung Hoon Cho, Du Bong Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1991;34(2):164-171.   Published online February 28, 1991
Immunoglobulin (Ig) and T cell receptor 0 chain (TcR分) gene rearrangements can be used as ”genetic marker” of lineage and clonality in the study of lymphoproliferative disease. We analyzed genomic DNA of the bone marrow mononuclear cells from twenty six patients with acute leukemia in children. The patients were seventeen cases of acute lymphocytic leukmia (ALL), seven cases of acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANL) and...
Two cases of hybrid leukemia.
Sung Dong Choi, Dae Chul Jung, Woo Gun Choi, Hack Ki Kim, Kyong Su Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1991;34(1):130-136.   Published online January 31, 1991
The hybrid acute leukemia is defined as acute leukemia with both myeloid and lymphoid features. We experienced and report two cases of hybrid leukemia which were identified by morpholgy, cytochemical stain, reactivity with monoclonal antibody, analysis of immunoglobulin and T cell receptor genes rearrangement in 14 years old boy and 10 years old girl.
Clinical Studies on Congenital Heart Diseases.
Hee Young Chun, Dae Churl Chung, In Kyung Sung, Kyong Su Lee, Du Bong Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1990;33(1):66-74.   Published online January 31, 1990
A retrospective study of 10 years* experience with surgical treatment of congenital heart disease in the St. Mary’s Hospital from 1978 to 1987 was made. Data were analyzed on 188 children with congenital heart disease who had received corrective heart surgery under the age of 18 years. The results were as follows: 1) Out of 188 patients, ventricular septal defect(54.2% of all) was the most...
The Collaborative Clinical Analysis of 985 Cases of Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Carditis in Children for 10 Years(1978~1987) in Korea.
Sung Ho Cha, Sang Young Jeong, Du Bong Lee, Kyong Su Lee, Sang Bum Lee, Tae Chan Kwon, Young Chang Tockgo, Chang Sung Sohn, Keun Chan Sohn, Young Jin Hong, Chan Young Kim, Chang Yee Hong, Yong Soo Yun, Jung Yun Choi, Chang Hwi Kim, Chul Ho Kim, Tae Ju Hwang, Jae Suk Ma, Chan Uhul Joo, Kyoo Hwan Rhee, Hahng Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1989;32(12):1621-1631.   Published online December 31, 1989
Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic carditis were still important disease of the acquired heart disease in children and adults, in spite of improving socioeconomic status in Korea. Recently, many outbreaks of acute rheumatic fever have been reported in the papers from developed countries. We should be aware of such outbreaks of acute rheumatic fever and should pay attention to their treatment of the patients...
Statistical Analysis of Pediatric Diseases in Korea(1987).
Kyong Su Lee, Ki Sup Chung, Ki Yang Ryoo, Woo Gill Lee, Sang Bum Lee, Se Jin Kang, In Kyung Sung
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1989;32(7):885-896.   Published online July 31, 1989
The Korean pediatric association is conducting the analysis of disease patterns of children by the body organ system. For the purpose of assessing the disease patterns in patients of the pediatric age in Korea, we performed a statistical analysis of diseases of patients admitted to the department of pediatrics in 36 hospitals having pediatric residency programs in 1987. The results obtained were as follows, 1) Total...
A Case of Systemic-Onset Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis with Multiple Complications.
Jong Deok Kim, Dong Joo Na, Jin Han Kang, Kyong Su Lee, Ki Yeal Sung
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1988;31(7):948-952.   Published online July 31, 1988
We recently experienced a case of systemic-onset juvenile rheumatoid arthritis with protracted and variable clinical course with multiple complications and sequeles including pericarditis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, severe ankylosis and bony fusion of neural arches of C2 through C6 vertebrae, and multiple chronic arthritis causing joint deformities at relatively young age of nine. A brief review of related literatures is also presented.
Doppler Echocardiographic Determination of the Time of Ductal Closure in Normal Newborn Infants.
Dong Joo Na, Hyung Kook Kim, Jong Wan Kim, Sang Min seong, Kyong Su Lee, In Soo Park
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1988;31(6):747-753.   Published online June 30, 1988
Pulsed Doppler echocardiography, a sensitive and specific non-invasive method enabled the various congenital and acquired heart diseases to be detected sine 1970,s For determining the time of functional closure of ductus arteriosus, 30 normal newborn infants were examined by pulsed wave Doppler (PWD) from March 1 to April 30, 1987, in Holy Family Hospital, Catholic Medical Center. A PDA was diagnosed when abnormal diastolic ductal...
Statistical Analysis of Pediatric Diseases in Korea.
Kyong Su Lee, Ki Sup Chung, Ki Yang Ryoo, Woo gill Lee, Sang Bum Lee, Se Jin Kang
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1988;31(6):678-690.   Published online June 30, 1988
Statistical analysis of pediatric diseases in patients admitted to the department of pediatrics in 34 hospitals having pediatric residency program for 2 years from Jan. 1985 to Dec. 1986 was underwent for the purpose of assessing the disease pattern in the pediatric aged people in Korea. The results obtained were as follows 1) Total number of inpatients was 112,309, of which 69,266 were male and...
Statistical Observations for Pediatric Inpatients.
Byung Cheol Han, Hack Ki Kim, Byung Churl Lee, Kyong Su Lee, Sung Hoon Cho, Du Bong Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1987;30(4):385-392.   Published online April 30, 1987
We observed the patients admitted to the department of pediatrics of St. Mary*s Hospital, Catholic Medical College during the past 20 years from Jan. 1966 to Dec. 1985 and classified them by year and disease according to the International Classification of Disease by W.H.O. (1965 Revision). The results were as follows: 1) The total number of pediatric inpatients during 20 years was 18,686, of which...
Case Report
A Case of Pulmonary Arteriovenous Fistulas with Cyanosis.
Yun Oak Rho, Hyun Eog Yang, Kyong Su Lee, Kyung Sub Shin
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1986;29(3):327-331.   Published online March 31, 1986
Pulmonary arteriovenous fistula is a congenital vascular malformation in lung resulting from abnormal capillary development and thus unoxygenated, desaturated arterial blood enters into the pulmonary venous system and results in various symptoms such as exertional dyspnea, cyanosis, clubbing fingers and secondary polycythemia. The exact etiology of pulmonary arteriovenous fistula is not well known but it may occur with or without hereditary...
A Case of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Successfully Treated with Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantaion.
In Kyung Sung, Byung Churl Lee, Kyong Su Lee, Du Bong Lee, Chong Won Park, Chun Choo Kim, Dong Jip Kim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1985;28(8):805-811.   Published online August 31, 1985
A 8-year old boy with acute lymphocytic leukemia who had shown resistance to repeated combination chemotherapies, was successfully grafted with bone marrow from his HLA- matched sister. He was in the third partial remission at the time of bone marrow transplantation. He was conditioned with cyclophosphamide 60 mg/kg/day on two consecutive days, followed by 800 rads total body irradiation. Marrow...
Original Article
Epidemiologic and Clinical Study of Mucocutaneous Lymphnode Syndrome in Korea.
Du Bong Lee, Kyong Su Lee, Byung Churl Lee, Ik Jun Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1982;25(10):977-993.   Published online October 31, 1982
Mucocutaneous Lymphnode Syndrome (MCLS) becomes familiar to pediatrician recently as a new disease entity. However, the pathogenesis of this syndrome is not know yet. Since Dr. Kawasaki’s first cases had reported in 1963, over 30,000 cases of this disease has "been reported in Japan. This study was undertaken to know the epidemiologic status of this dis- ease in this country. The materials were collected from...
Case Report
A Case of Left Ventricular-Right Atrial Shunt.
Myung Chul Kang, Hyun Kyung Cho, Kyong Su Lee, Du Bong Lee, Kyung Sub Shinn, Hong Kyun Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1982;25(1):66-71.   Published online January 31, 1982
Left ventricular-right atrial shunt is a relatively uncommon defect, which permits as communication between the left ventricle and right atrium. This paper is fifth case report in our country. This patient was noted to have congenital heart disease in two years old. The pathology of this lesion was classified into four types by Perry. The type C is compatible with...
Original Article
Epidemiological Study on Diseases of Korean Children in Urban & Rural Areas.
Du Bong Lee, Sung Hoon Cho, Kyong Su Lee, Byung Churl Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1980;23(3):173-197.   Published online March 15, 1980
This study was attempted to know the recent changes of the patterns of diseases among Korean children living inurban and rural areas. 21,498 sick-children, who admitted to the thirteen general hospitals which located in urban and rural areas during past five years from Jan. 1994 to Dec. 1978, were analysed for this purpose. 13,759 sick-children(64.0%) were male, others were female...
Case Report
A Case of Corrected Transposition of Great Vessels, Associated with itral?Insufficiency.
Jae Wha Choi, Ki Sub Shin, Kyung Tai Whang, Kyong Su Lee, Han Kyu Park, Kyung Sub Shinn
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1977;20(10):757-762.   Published online October 31, 1977
Congentally corrected transposition of the great vessels can best be defined as a malformation in which the aorta and pulmonary artery are transposed in relation to each other but in which the flow of blood is in the physiologic direction. And in addition to the malposition of great vessels, there is an inversion of the ventrice,. Unfortunately this basic malformation...
Foramen of Morgagni Hernia in Infant
Byung W ook Kim, Poong Man Lee, Kyong Su Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1977;20(6):476-479.   Published online June 30, 1977
Morgagni hernia is an uncommon finding in adult and rarer still in infants and children, and they say that Morgagni hernia occur about one in every 300 diaphragmatic hernias diagnosed. This paper presents a 16 months oId Korean male infant with symptomatic Morgagni’ s hernia in whom the diagnosis was established during the course of treatment of upper respiratory tract infection and who were...
A Case of Guglielmo Syndrome
Jong Kook Lee, Soon Ja Kim, Kyong Su Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1976;19(3):213-217.   Published online March 31, 1976
This paper presents a case of Di Guglielmo Syndrome which is veryrrare in childhood. We experienced this syndrome in 6 year old male Korean. He visited with the chief complaints of abdominal pain and pale face appearance. We confirmed this patient by the bone marrow aspiration and have been performed a serial follow up checks. And also we have observed a...


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