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Original Article
Survey on Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Children
Seok Won Park, Hwang Min Kim, Jong Soo Kim, Kyu Earn Kim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2001;44(6):642-653.   Published online June 15, 2001
Purpose : Recently, the numbers of non-pediatric doctors' giving medical treatment to children has shown a tendency to increase, especially in case of upper respiratory infection(URI) and it's complications such as tonsillitis, sinusitis and otitis media. Therefore we surveyed parents on children's URI and complications to find out parents' general understandings on pediatric treatment, what kind of pediatric treatment they...
A Nationwide Clinical Study of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Children
Soo Jung Choi, Do Suck Jeong, Jae Won Oh, Ha Baik Lee, Im Ju Kang, Kwang Woo Kim, Kyu Earn Kim, Ki Bok Kim, Young Ho Rah, Kang Seo Park, Byong Kwan Son, Ki Young Lee, Sang Il Lee, Ji Tai Choung, Young Mi Hong
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1999;42(1):23-31.   Published online January 15, 1999
Purpose : Acute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS) is the final course of acute lung injury. It results from various etiological origins and pathophysiologic mechanisms, and has a mortality rate of approximately 60-70%. Although the confirmative incidence of ARDS in children is yet unknown, the increasing incidence of ARDS has been reported in Korea. In the present study, we report ARDS diagnosed...
Case Report
One Case of Bronchiolitis Obliterans Associated with Stevens-Johnson Syndrome due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae In fection
Soo Kyung Lee, Joon Soo Lee, Soo Young Lee, Byung Ju Jeoung, Kyu Earn Kim, Ki Young Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1993;36(10):1441-1446.   Published online October 15, 1993
Bronchiolitis obliterans is an infrequent disorder characterized by partial or complete obstruction of bronchi and bronchioles by fibrous tissue following an insult to the lower respiratory tract. In the pediatric population, Bronchiolitis obliterans has most frequently been preceded by respiratory tract infection by adenovirus, influenza, measles. But it may occur in young adults after mycoplasma infection. We experienced the case...
2 Cases with Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Infant and Young Child
Hye Jung Joo, Im Jae Park, Joon Soo Lee, Soo Young Lee, Byeung Ju Jeoung, Kyu Earn Kim, Ki Young Lee, Hyunee Yim, Soon Won Hong, Woo Hee Jung
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1992;35(8):1118-1126.   Published online August 15, 1992
Adult respiratory distress syndrome has been described as a clinical syndrome of respiratory distress and need for mechanical ventilation with positive end-expiratory pressure, diffuse pulmonary infiltration on thoracic roentgenogram, impaired pulmonary compliance, decreased lung volumes and capacities, increased alveoloarterial oxygen gradient and hyaline membrane formation. It is the clinical manifestation of injury to the terminal alveolocapillary unit as a result...
A Case of Endobronchial Tuberculosis Accompanied with Obstructive Emphysema
Myung Goo Min, Seong Chul Shin, Byeung Ju Jeong, Kyu Earn Kim, Ki Young Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1992;35(8):1113-1117.   Published online August 15, 1992
We experienced a case of endobronchial tuberculosis accompanied with obstructive emphsema which appears just before total atelectasis, in a 4/12 year old male who was admitted to the department of pediatrics, Yonsei university College of Medicine. On chest X-ray, left side total emphysema was found and on bronchogram, punched out defect was noted at the site of the left main...
Original Article
A case of Wandering spleen.
Soh Yeon Kim, Joon Soo Lee, Kyu Earn Kim, Seung Kyu Lee, Choon Sik Yoon, Ki Keun Oh, Young Jin Chung
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1991;34(4):577-581.   Published online April 30, 1991
Wandering spleen is a term applied to the condition in which a long pedicle allows the spleen to lie in an abnormal location. The condition is usually symptomless but mild discomfort or severe abdominal pain may occur with torsion of the pedicle and with splenic congestion. There may be a masss palpable in the pelvic cavity or midabdomen which may be misdiagnosed as...
A Case of Right Lung Agenesis Associated with Right Hemifacial Atrophy.
Jung Tak Kim, Young Mi Chung, Dong Goo Lee, Byeong Ju Jeoung, Kyu Earn Kim, Ki Young Lee, Jin Suk Suh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1990;33(12):1723-1728.   Published online December 31, 1990
Unilateral lung agenesis is a rare disease with associated anomalies of soft tissue, the musculos- keletal system, cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal system in 50-60% of cases. When associat- ed anomalies are absent, the disease may not be discovered during a lifetime, but in most of the cases, frequent respiratory infection or associated anomalies make it possible for diagnosis of the disease. Since early diagnosis...
A Study on the Growth Pattern, History of Respiratory Illness and Family History in Acute Bronchiolitis.
Dong Won Choi, Byung Ju Jung, Kyu Earn Kim, Ki Young Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1990;33(5):623-631.   Published online May 31, 1990
The authors evaluated the growth pattern, history of frequent respiratory illness and family history in 111 infants who were admitted to the Department of Pediatrics, Yonsei University Hospital with the diagnosis of acute bronchiolitis from Sept. 1986 to Jun. 1988. The results of the study were as follows: 1) The sex incidence of bronchiolitis was higher in males compared with the sex incidence of the total...
A case of Endobronchial Tuberculosis Accompanied by Embedded Lymph Node.
Kyoung Hoon Choi, Jeong A Hwang, Byeung Ju Jeong, Kyu Earn Kim, Ki Young Lee, Fan Chen Mong, Hee Dae Park
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1990;33(3):386-392.   Published online March 31, 1990
We experienced a case of endobronchial tuberculosis accompanied by an embedded lymph node in a 1 3/12-year old male who was admitted to the Department of Pediatrics, Yonsei University College of Medicine. On bronchogram, a punched out defect was noted at the site of the right main bronchus from where the right upper lobe bronchus and right intermediate bronchus branched. Although bronchoscopy was performed three...
A Case of Congenital Esophageal Duplication Cyst.
Kyoung Hoon Choi, Chung Ah Whang, Byung Ju Jeaung, Kyu Earn Kim, Ki Young Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1990;33(1):111-116.   Published online January 31, 1990
A case of congenital esophageal duplication cyst has been studied in a 10-month old male Korean infant. He had suffered from cough, fever and dyspnea since 4 months of age, and he had been admitted 4 times to other hospitals before he visited severance hospital due to aggravated cough and dyspnea. An esophagogram and computed tomogram of chest were done and a post-tracheal mass...
Clinical Studies on Bronchiectasis in Children.
Hye Sook Lee, Byeung Ju Jeong, Kyu Earn Kim, Ki Young Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1989;32(12):1669-1677.   Published online December 31, 1989
Clinical data and findings of 22 cases of bronchiectasis in children which were confirmed by bronchogram and treated at Yonsei University Hospital during the period of January 1980 to January 1987 were riewed. The results were briefly summarized as follows; 1) Bronchiectasis was seen most frequently within the age group of 6〜 10 year (54.5%) and 72.7% of all patients were under 10 years of age. 2) Identifiable...
Two Cases of Chronic Bronchitis in Children Who Showed Perfusion Defects at the Base of Lung.
Hyeon Soo Lee, Kyu Earn Kim, Ki Young Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1988;31(12):1663-1668.   Published online December 31, 1988
We experienced two cases of chronic bronchitis in 9 4/12 year female & 10 year old male who were admitted at department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Yonsei University. In which all laboratory findings including chest X-ray were normal, but on the scitiscan perfusion defects were noted at the base of lung and clinically improved accociated with disappearance of perfusion defects ossurred after treatment. The...
2 Cases of Congenital Bronchial Anomalies Associated with Recurrent Pneumonia in Children.
Choong Sun Kang, Kyu Earn Kim, Ki Young Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1988;31(12):1657-1662.   Published online December 31, 1988
We have experienced 2 cases of congenital bronchial anomalies in children. In one case, the right middle lobe bronchus originated from the right upper lobe bronchus, and all branches of the bronchial tree including the right main bronchus showed severe deformity. In another case, two upper lobe bronchi originated from the right main bronchus. These bronchial anomalies were associated with chronic and recurrent respiratory...
Non-specific Immunotherapy with Histamine-Gammalobulin Preparations in Chronic Respiratory Group Patients and Non-atopic Asthmatic Children.
Byeung Ju Jeoung, Kyu Earn Kim, Ki Young Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1988;31(10):1308-1314.   Published online October 31, 1988
We evaluated the therapeutic effect of non-specific immunotherapy with Histamine- gammahlobulin in 60 patients. Among them 22 patients were chronic respiratory group patients who were under 2 years of age and suffered from frequent respiratory tract infections, and 38 patients were as follows: 1) Excluding the patients who received 9 weeks therapy for the test period, the mean duration of Histamine-gammaglobulin therapy in the chronic respiratory...
Diagnostic Value of Perfusion Lung Scan on Airway Foreign Body in Children.
Ki Young Lee, Kyu Earn Kim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1988;31(6):715-722.   Published online June 30, 1988
The authors evaluated diagnostic value of perfusion scan of the lung in the children who had foreign bodies. Perfusion lung scan with 99mTc MAA was performed in 23 cases of children with foreign bodies in the airway. The results of study were as follows; 1) The majority of 23 cases with foreign body in airway was infants and young children, and 19 cases (82.6%) of them was...
A Case of Pulmonary Paragonimiasis Whose Parenchymal Lesions Dtected by Tomogram and Perfusion Scan of the Lung.
Jung Keun KIm, Kyu Earn Kim, Ki Young Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1988;31(4):519-525.   Published online April 30, 1988
Recently, we experienced a case of pulmonary paragonimiasis in a 8 year old boy with a chief complaint of intractable pleural fluid for one year. The cystic cavity was detected by tomogram, but not by chest X-ray and apparant regional pulmonary perfusion defect was also detected at the same site of that lesion by lung scan. We report this case with brief review of...
A Case of Cloverleaf Skull; Kleeblattschael Syndrome.
Chang Hyon Yang, Kyu Earn Kim, Chang Ho Hong, Young Mo Sohn, Don Gyu Yang, Kee Keun Oh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1987;30(4):456-460.   Published online April 30, 1987
A case of Cloverleaf skull; Kleeblattschadel syndrome in a 70-day old male infant with facial deformity since birth was seen. The diagnosis was made on the basis of typical morphologic clinical features an radiologic findings. A brief review of the related literature was given.
Evaluation of Antibody Formation After Hepatitis B Vaccination in Children.
Pyung Kil Kim, Ho Taek Kim, Kyu Earn Kim, Kyung Soon Song
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1986;29(10):1072-1079.   Published online October 31, 1986
Hepatitis B virus infection is a serious problem in many countries, especially Africa, Southeast Asia and Korea. As we know, vaccination against hepatitis B virus is the most effective method to prevent hepatitis B and the rate of anti-HBs formation after hepatitis B vaccination is known to be 91 〜99%. We studied the titer of anti-HBs after 3 times of...
Importance of radiographic study of urinary tract infection in children.
Chang Ho Hong, Kyu Earn Kim, Pyung Kil Kim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1982;25(4):334-339.   Published online April 30, 1982
In urinary tract infection of childhood, the intravenous pyelogram is helpful in identifying gross malformations of urinary tract and appraising gross renal function. The voiding cystourethrogram evaluates configuration and function of the lower urinary tract and is most useful for delineating the presence and severity of vesicoureteral reflux. The intravenous pyelogram is suggested for every male patients with one documented...


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