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Case Report
A Case of Generalized Putular Psoriasis after Varicella Infection
Han Cheol Kim, Ran Lee, Jee Hae Kang, Gyu Young Jung, Jung Gee Lee, Mi Kyung Jee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1998;41(11):1606-1609.   Published online November 15, 1998
Generalized pustular psoriasis is the most servere form of psoriasis. This disorder is characterized by pustular skin lesions general symptoms such as high fever, weakness and peripheral blood leukocytosis. We have experienced a case of generalized pustular psoriasis after suffering from chickenpox which was diagnosed by clinical symptoms and pathologic features from a skin biopsy. This 4-year-old male patient was...
A Case of Intestinal Abnormal Rotation by Mesenteric Lymphangioma
Eui Seok Park, Il Tae Hwang, Ghee Young Jung, Du Bong Lee, Hyo Seon Choi, Mi Kyung Jee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1997;40(9):1309-1313.   Published online September 15, 1997
Mesenteric lymphangioma was first recognized when an autopsy case was recorded in 1507 by Benevieni. It has been known clinically rare disease and probably a congenital developmental abnormality due to failure of drainage of peripheral primary lymphatic spaces. We experienced a case of abnormal rotation in intestine by mesenteric lymphangioma in a 8 years old male who showed vomiting and abdominal...
A Case of Intestinal Necrosis Associated with Henoch-Schönlein Purpura
Soo Jung Lee, Young Yoo Kim, Sung Soo Whang, Kyung Yil Lee, Won Ik Lee, Jeong Soo Kim, Chang Joon Ahn, Mi Kyung Jee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1992;35(9):1291-1297.   Published online September 15, 1992
Gastrointestinal symptoms of Henoch-Schönlein commonly present abdominal pain, nausea, nomitting, melena and hematemesis and resolve mostly without any complications. Some times life threatening gastrointestinal manifestations such as massive hemorrhage, intussusception, intestinal necrosis and perforation may develop We report a case of the Henoch-Schönlein purpura with intestinal lesion in 11 year female patient who presented with colicky abdominal pain and bloody stool...


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