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Clinical predictors of chest radiographic abnormalities in young children hospitalized with bronchiolitis: a single center study
Ga Ram Kim, Min Sun Na, Kyung Suk Baek, Seung Jin Lee, Kyung Suk Lee, Young Ho Jung, Hye Mi Jee, Tae Hee Kwon, Man Yong Han, Youn Ho Sheen
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2016;59(12):471-476.   Published online December 31, 2016

Chest radiography is often performed on patients hospitalized with typical clinical manifestations of bronchiolitis. We aimed to determine the proportion of subjects with pathologic chest radiographic findings and the clinical predictors associated with pathologic chest radiographic findings in young children admitted with the typical presentation of bronchiolitis.


We obtained the following data at admission: sex, age, neonatal history, past history of...

Vitamin D serum levels in children with allergic and vasomotor rhinitis
Seung Jin Lee, Bong Hwa Kang, Bong Seok Choi
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2015;58(9):325-329.   Published online September 21, 2015

In addition to regulating calcium and phosphorus homeostasis and bone metabolism, vitamin D is known as an immune modulator. Recently, there has been increased worldwide interest in the association between low levels of vitamin D and allergic diseases. The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between serum vitamin D levels and allergic/vasomotor rhinitis (AR/VR) in children.


This study...

Case Report
A Case of Cloacal Deformity
Young Mi Jee, Seung Jin Lee, In Kyung Sung, Byung Churl Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1992;35(5):667-670.   Published online May 15, 1992
We experienced a case of cloacal deformity. This one day-old female neonate had hydrometrocolpos with vaginal atresia, imperforated anus, cloaca associated with hemivertebrae, left renal agenesis and right hydronephrosis. A brief review of related literature was made.


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