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A case of Second Malignant Neoplasm Complicating Hodgkin's Disease in Remission.
Hong Hoe Koo, Jong Woon Choi, Sang Oh Na, Il Soo Ha, Hee Young Shin, Hyo Seop Ahn, Yeon Lim Suh, Chul Woo Kim, Je Geun Chi
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1990;33(4):564-572.   Published online April 30, 1990
Recent advances in the treatment of cancer have resulted in increased survival and possible cure for many malignant disorders, particularly childhood cancers. There has been a marked improvement in the treatment of childhood Hodgkin’s disease, and five-year survival rates for even advanced stages of Hodgkin’s disease approach or exceed more than 75% with modern treatment policies. However, successful therapy in childhood cancer is frequently...
Caudal Regression Syndrome Associated with Potter Syndrome.
Hyun Joo Jeong, Sung Sook Bang, Hae Ran Lee, Choon Myung Ro, Yeon Lim Suh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1989;32(10):1448-1454.   Published online October 31, 1989
Caudal egression syndrome is a term applied to a syndrome comprising complete or partial agenesis of sacrum and coccyx, often associated with malformation of the lower extremities, congenital heart disease, urologic abnormalities and malformation of the upper extremities. The primary defect may occur in the mid-posterior axis mesoderm of the embryo prior to the 4th week of development, resulting in other defects of the...
Two Cases of Idiopathic pulmonary Hemosiderosis.
Sung Ky You, Ki Soo Kim, Young Jee Kim, Young Yull Koh, Yeon Lim Suh, Je Geun Chi
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1988;31(9):1209-1216.   Published online September 30, 1988
Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis is an uncommon disease of undetermined cause that is char- acterized by periodic episodes of cough, hemoptysis, widespread pulmonary infiltrates and hypo- chromic anemia. Two cases of idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis were diagnosed after open lung biopsy. It revealed hemosiderin and hemosiderin-laden macrophage. There were no specific causes for pulmo- nary hemorrhage. We report 2 cases of idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis with brief review...
A Case of Pulmonary Candidiasis.
Hye Ran Byun, Kung Ha Ryu, Moon Ja Kim, Keun Lee, Yeon Lim Suh, Je Geun Chi
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1988;31(5):621-626.   Published online May 31, 1988
A case of fatal pulmonary candidiasis was diagnosed at autopsy of 5-month-old female infant. Patient had mild coughing, poor weight gain and marked hepatosplenomegaly. She had no sign of immune dysfunction but developed fever, wheezing and intermittent respiratory distress. Chest P-A showed infiltrations of multiple lobar pneumonia. Postmortem examination revealed the whitish necrotic mass like lesion with a feature of lobar pneumonic consolidation in...
A Case of Potter Syndrome with Bilateral Polycystic Kidneys.
Chun Hwa Lee, Jung Hwan Choi, Yong Choi, Chong Ku Yun, Yeon Lim Suh, Je G Chi, Son Moon Shin
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1987;30(11):1282-1286.   Published online November 30, 1987
In 1946, Potter described a series of 20 cases of infants in whom bilateral absence of the kidneys was associated with hypoplasia of the lungs and characteristic faces. Afterwards it has been known that any condition that causes significant reduction in urine formation or excretion will result in oligohydramnios accounts for many of the nonrenal features of Potter syndorme. We report a case...
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