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Original Article
Association of Leukotriene C4 Synthase Gene Polymorphism with Clinical Response to Montelukast in Childhood Asthma
Kyung-Sue Shin, Youn Woo Kim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2005;48(7):766-771.   Published online July 15, 2005
목 적 : 류코트리엔 수용체 길항제는 천식의 병리 반응에 관여하는 cysteiny leukotriene의 생성과 작용을 억제하여 급성기 천식 증상의 치료와 천식 증상의 조절 요법에 사용할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 소아 천식환자에서 cysteinyl leukotriene 생성에 관여하는 LTC4S 유전자 다형태와 류코트리엔 수용체 길항제인 montelukast의 임상적 효과를 조사하여 약물유전학적 연관성 유무를 알고자 하였다. 방 법 : 환자군은 경증 지속성 천식과 중등증 지속성 천식환자 161명을 대상으로...
Case Report
A Case of Ileal Atresia with Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis
Byung Chan Lim, Jung Ha Lee, Kwang Sig Kim, Guk Myung Choi, Kyung Sue Shin, Jung Yun Hong, Youn Woo Kim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2003;46(4):393-396.   Published online April 15, 2003
Ileal atresia, a subtype of intestinal atresia, is one of the well-recognized causes of bowel obstruction in newborns. Prenatal diagnosis of intestinal atresia is very important in its management and outcome. Unfortunately, there are few cases of ileal atresia diagnosed prenatally, so more appropriate diagnoses and management plans are needed. As an associated gastrointestinal malformation with ileal atresia, hypertrophic pyloric...
Candida Esophagitis in Infancy-A Report of 3 Cases
Ho Sung Kim, Youn Woo Kim, Jae Geon Sim, Beom Soo Park, Hoan Jong Lee, Joong Gon Kim, Jeong Kee Seo, Je Geun Chi
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1994;37(2):269-275.   Published online February 15, 1994
We experienced 3 cases of Candida esophagitis in infancy which were diagnosed by esophageal endoscopy, First case, 10 month-old boy with combined immune deficiency had suffered from oral thrush and poor feeding for more than 4 months. Esophageal endoscopy revealed multiple whitish creamy patches on the friable erythematous and necrotic mucosa of the esophagus, He was firstly treated with amphotericin-B...
Original Article
Cardiac Rhabdomyoma in Children-A Report of 26 Cases
Ho Sung Kim, Youn Woo Kim, Wun Jung Bae, Chung Il Noh, Jung Yun Choi, Yong Soo Yun
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1994;37(1):61-69.   Published online January 15, 1994
We reviewed 26 cases of Cardiac rhabdomyoma in children which were diagnosed between 1986 and 1991 in Seoul National University Children's Hospital. Twenty-two cases were associated with tuberous sclerosis. Total tumor count was 58 and mean tumor count per patient was 2.23. Their Cardiac rhabdomyoma were diagnosed from fetal period through 12 years after birth. Median age was 9.5 months....


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