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Volume 66(10); Oct 2023
Review Articles
Safety monitoring of COVID-19 vaccines: February 26, 2021, To June 4, 2022, Republic of Korea
Yeon-Kyeng Lee, Yunhyung Kwon, Yesul Heo, Eun Kyoung Kim, Seung Yun Kim, Hoon Cho, Seontae Kim, Mijeong Ko, Dosang Lim, Soon-Young Seo, Enhi Cho
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2023;66(10):415-423.   Published online June 13, 2023
· Enhanced safety monitoring system of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines were implemented to detect signals rapidly as part of the national COVID-19 vaccination program.
· As of June 4, 2023, reported adverse events after COVID-19 vaccination was 0.38% among 125,107,883 doses of COVID- 19 vaccines administered.
· Most reported adverse reactions after COVID-19 vaccinations have shown nonserious and mild intensity.
Nephrology (Genitourinary)
Kidney complications associated with COVID-19 infection and vaccination in children and adolescents: a brief review
Hee Sun Baek, Min Hyun Cho
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2023;66(10):424-431.   Published online June 28, 2023
Several observational studies have shown that acute kidney injury affects up to 46% of children and adolescents who develop severe postinflammatory responses, such as multisystem inflammatory syndrome in childhood, due to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Although causality has not been established, some cases of glomerulopathy or nephrotic syndrome occurring after COVID-19 infection or vaccination have been reported. Therefore, kidney complications associated with these conditions in children and adolescents warrant attention.
Systemic autoinflammatory disorders
Dae Chul Jeong
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2023;66(10):432-438.   Published online June 14, 2023
· Systemic autoinflammatory disorders (SAID) are disorders caused by dysregulation of the innate immunity with genetic background, leading to recurrent episodes of systemic inflammation.
· SAID is characterized by recurrent acute inflammatory responses including fever or skin manifestations, unrelated with infection or malignancy.
· Diagnosis is based on family and long-term history with detailed clinical and laboratory manifestations during febrile periods.
Systemic autoinflammatory disorders: autoinflammatory and autoimmune disorders
Young Dae Kim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2023;66(10):439-440.   Published online July 4, 2023
· Systemic autoinflammatory disorders (SAIDs) typically have an early onset in life, and may have close relatives may have similar disease.
· SAIDs should be suspected in any patient, especially children, who experience persistent or recurrent inflammatory episodes that fail to fit the pattern of other established diseases.
· Advancements in the understanding of autoinflammation will provide novel diagnostic and therapeutic options for SAIDs patients.
Original Articles
Developmental and Behavioral Medicine
Neonatal risk factors associated with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: an umbrella review
Ensiyeh Jenabi, Erfan Ayubi, Sajjad Farashi, Saeid Bashirian, Fereshteh Mehri
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2023;66(10):441-446.   Published online July 14, 2023
Question: The risk factors for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), such as breastfeeding, congenital heart disease, and low birth weight, in neonates are not well understood.
Finding: This umbrella review obtained significant effect sizes for ADHD for congenital heart disease (odds ratio [OR], 3.04), low birth weight (OR, 2.25), never breastfed (OR, 1.55), and Apgar score (OR, 1.30).
Meaning: Congenital heart disease, low birth weight, lack of breastfeeding, and Apgar scores were significant factors for ADHD.
Impact of short and intensive art-based intervention on symptomatology and social interactions among children with autism spectrum disorder
Deldar Morad Abdulah, Bayar Mohammed Omar Abdulla, Pranee Liamputtong
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2023;66(10):447-454.   Published online September 14, 2023
Question: Does a short and intensive art-based intervention affect symptoms and social interactions among children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)?
Finding: The short and intensive art-based intervention did not affect symptoms in children with ASD level 2 or 3, including social awareness, social cognition, social communication, social motivation, and autistic mannerisms.
Meaning: The short and intensive art-based intervention did not improve the symptoms of patients with ASD.
Letter to the Editor
Increased serum eosinophilic cationic protein in children with nonspecific chronic cough
Young Hwan Kim, Yoon Young Jang, Jieun Jeong, Hai Lee Chung
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2023;66(10):455-457.   Published online September 14, 2023


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