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Volume 11(3); Mar 1968
Original Articles
Plasma and Blood Volumes in Malnourished Children
Kew Taek Kim, Hyo In Bae, Dae Sung Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1968;11(3):117-120.   Published online March 31, 1968
Plasma and blood, volume were measured using Evans blue in severely malnourished children and normal orphans, ranging from 12 months to 36 months of age. Mean age of malnourished children was 6 months older than that of the control group, while the weight and weight/height ratio of the malnourished were smaller but height was taller. Mean values of plasma volumes of...
Clinical Observation on Osteomyelitis in Children and Infants
Kew Taek Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1968;11(3):121-128.   Published online March 31, 1968
The author made a clinical observation on 116 children of osteomyelitis who were treated at Save the Children Fund, Pusan Children’s Charity Hospital and Pediatric Dept, of PNUH from April to August 1966. The results obtained were as follows; 1)The peak incidence occurred in the children of 5 to 13 years and it was 64.7% of total occurrences. 2)Sexual difference...
Experimental Study on the Effects of the Injection of Rhodamine-B upon Blood Findings in the Rabbit
Byung Hoon Rie
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1968;11(3):129-136.   Published online March 31, 1968
Seven Korean white male rabbits, 1.2kg of body weight were used. Rhodamine-B was injected every day in dose of 20mg intravenously for 20 days. Three rabbits were used as control experiment. The i esults obtained were as follows; 1)Hemoglobin and red blood cells were decreased gradually after rhodamine-B injections. 2)White blood cells were increased gradually from 3rd day of injections...
Case Reports
A Case of Cushing's Syndrome in the Childhood
Soon Yong Lee, Nam Je Im, Hyung Ro Moon, Myung Ha Cho, Pyung Chui Min
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1968;11(3):137-142.   Published online March 31, 1968
This report presents a case of Cushing’s syndrome in childhood. The 13 years-old female patient was admitted with the complaints of headache, moon face, obesity and hirsuitism, and was diagnosed as Cushing’s syndrome due to adrenocortical carcinoma of the left adrenal gland. Complete resection of the tumor was successfully done- After operation, her clinical course was markedly improved.
A Case of Niemann-Pick’s Disease
Yun Duk Yoo, Kyung Ro Kwak, Min Ja Lee, Y. I. Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1968;11(3):143-148.   Published online March 31, 1968
A case of Niemann-Pick’s disease in a 4 years and 8 months old Korean male was reported. The bone marrow smear showed proliferation of foamy histiocytes and was positive to Sudan III stainning. Lipid stain of both liver and spleen needle biopsy showed findings compatible with, phosphosphingoside storage disease.
A Case of Sublingual Ectopic Thyroid
Chang Hyup Kim, Jae Hak Seo, Chui Kyu Kim, Sang Jhoo Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1968;11(3):149-154.   Published online March 31, 1968
A case of sublingual ectopic thyroid was reported. An 8 year and 6 month old boy had retarded bone developement, delayed teeth eruption and ectopic thyroid was demonstrated by scintigram. Thyroid scintigram revealed ectopic thyroid which located on slightly left side under the tongue connected with thyroid gland. Patient had been on desiccated thyroid and doing well now. Review of literature...
Inter-departmental Knowledge for Pediatrician〔XI〕Radiology
Seungbong Ahn
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1968;11(3):155-158.   Published online March 31, 1968
Staphylococcal Pneumonia and Empyema in Infants and Children
Chang yee Hong
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1968;11(3):159-162.   Published online March 31, 1968
新生兒 敗血症 및 胎便性 腸閉寒症
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1968;11(3):163-166.   Published online March 31, 1968
X-ray of This Month
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1968;11(3):167-167.   Published online March 31, 1968
E.K.G. of This Month
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1968;11(3):168-168.   Published online March 31, 1968
Original Articles
Abstract from Foreign Literature
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1968;11(3):169-172.   Published online March 31, 1968
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