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Volume 12(3); Mar 1969
Original Articles
A Comparative Study on Growth of Infants Cared for in Well Baby Clinic and Milk Station
Sung Kyu Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1969;12(3):121-136.   Published online March 31, 1969
Growth is a manifestation of life in the young and its rate and quality are importantly related to the general health and welfare of the individual. Because of this important relationship, parents and pediatrician must have intimate knowledge of the phenomenon of growth. Infancy is the period of most rapid extrauterine growth. There are factors influencing growth such as genetic factors, trauma, nutritional factors,...
Clinical Studies on Guillain-Barre Syndrome in Children (1964〜 1968)
Sung kyu Lee, Sang Hoo Park, Jae Sung Lee, Duk Jin Yun
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1969;12(3):137-142.   Published online March 31, 1969
This paper presents the clinical study of 31 cases under 15 years of age who had been admitted to Severance Hospital and Wonju Union Christian Hospital from January, 1964 to December, 1968 with the diagnosis of Guillain Barre syndrome. 1. Twenty one cases were male and 10 cases female. The age ranged from 3 months to 15 years with the peak incidence of 3 to...
Statistical Studies on Acute Poisonings of Infants and Children
Yung Myung Kim, Bo Kun Lee, Dong Sup Han
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1969;12(3):143-148.   Published online March 31, 1969
One hundred and one cases of acute poisoning who had been admitted in the Pediatric Department of Kyung-Pook University Hospital from July 1963 to June 1968 were statistically analyzed and the results are as follows: 1. The incidence was corresponding to 0.43% of all pediatric out-patients during same period, and it was estimated average 20 cases annually. 2. The seasonal incidence showed some differences among causative substances,...
Clinical Studies of Typhoid Fever in Children
Dong Gwan Han, Tae U Paik, Dong Sik Chin
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1969;12(3):149-158.   Published online March 31, 1969
During the last 10 years which was from January 1957 to December 1966, 73 cases of typhoid fever was admitted to the Department of Pediatrics, Severance Hospital and evaluated clinically. The results were obtained as follows; 1) Male was more prominent than female children and the ratio, M:F was 43:30. The peak age group was from 6 to 10 years(47.9%) and the youngest case was...
Case Report
Salmonella Osteomyelitis
G.W. Ahn, Sang Kook Lee, S.I Chin, Choo Wan Kim, Byung Hoon Rie, D.H Ahn, Hyung Ro Moon
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1969;12(3):159-164.   Published online March 31, 1969
A case of salmonella osteomyelitis in a 2 year old boy was reported. As far as we know, this is the first reported case in korea. The diagnosis was confirmed by widal test, bacterial cultures of pus from periosteal collection and maculopapular pustules on the face and left wrist, radiological studies of the bones. The autopsy findings were presented. Review of literatures was...
About Vaccinations
Hanung Choi
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1969;12(3):165-168.   Published online March 31, 1969
X-ray of This Month
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1969;12(3):169-169.   Published online March 31, 1969
E.E.G. of This Month
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1969;12(3):170-170.   Published online March 31, 1969
Original Articles
Abstract from Foreign Literature
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1969;12(3):171-172.   Published online March 31, 1969
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