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Volume 18(11); Nov 1975
Original Articles
Perinatal Mortality Rate(I. Relationship to Birth Weight and Gestational Age)
Dong Gwan Han, Chang Jun Coe, Kyung Sook Park
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1975;18(11):789-800.   Published online November 30, 1975
We have been observed perinatal and neonatal mortality rates according to the birth weight and. gestational age of 11, 336 Korean single births born at Severance Hospital, Yonsei University, Jeon-Ju Presbyterian Hospital and Won-Ju Christian Hospital for 3 years from Jan. 1970 through Dec. 1972. 1)We have been observed 544 perinatal deaths (fetal deaths: 286 cases, neonatal deaths: 258 cases);...
Clinical Observation of serum Proteins by Cellulose-acetate Electrophoresis in Virus Hepatitis
Kwang Chung Kim, Hyung Sun Yoon
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1975;18(11):801-807.   Published online November 30, 1975
We studied total protein and serum protein fractions by cellulose-acetate membrane electrophoresis in 40 cases of viral hepatitis. The results were as follows: 1.The distribution of serum protein fractions on admission: a1-globulin revealed 3.44% for 5.41% of control group, but total protein, albumin, a2-, B- and r-globulin revealed minimal changes generally. 2.Age and Sex distribution: In sex distribution, r-globulin revealed...
Prevalance of Clonorchis Sinensis and Nutritional Status of Children in an Endemic Area
Dong Min Lee, Byung Joo Chung, Jung Pyo Chung, Dong Sup Han
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1975;18(11):808-812.   Published online November 30, 1975
A study was required to evaluate the recent prevalence of clonorchiasis among the children in an endemic area and to determine the effects of Clonorchis infection on the nutritional status of the children in that area. Five hundred and twenty-three children in Daehap meon, Chang Yeong county, Kyungnam province, less than 1 to 19 years of age, with almost equal male...
Clinical Study of the Placental Dysfunction Syndrome
Me Sun Kim, Reo Sook Koh, Chan Yung Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1975;18(11):813-821.   Published online November 30, 1975
Authors observed 513 Korean babies with placental dysfunction syndrome, out of total 2, 445 newborn infants who were born at BUN Hospital and Il-Sin Women’s Hospital from Dec. 1972 to June 1973. The results were obtained as follows; 1) The placental dysfunction syndrome was 21.0% out of total newborn babies and it’s distribution was 12.5% in stage 1, 6.2% in stage I,...
Parasite Infestation in the Pediatric Age Group
Ki Jong Nam, Jin Ju Kim, Sung Hee Shin, Ki Jun Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1975;18(11):822-828.   Published online November 30, 1975
During the 3 year-period from Jan. 1971 through December 1973, the presbyterian Medical Center in Chon-ju Pediatric Department saw 4, 331 inpatient and outpatients, among whom 1, 623 or 37% underwent stool examination. 1.Stool examination showed at least one kind of helminth revealed in 48. 2% of males and 54. 3% of females. 2.The pediatric population could be devided into 3...
Neonatal Peritonitis
Seong Soo Kim, Bong Jeong Jun, Chong Young Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1975;18(11):829-834.   Published online November 30, 1975
A series of 12 cases of neonatal peritonitis is presented. These cases had been admitted to Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital at Busan from June 1972 to May 1975. The 9 cases were found among 495 newborn patients who were born outside of this hospital and transfered here and 3 cases among 4, 568 newborns delivered in this hospital. There were...
Clinical observation of blood transfusion in infants and children
Jhong Young Jeon, Duk Hee Kim, Ki Young Lee, Duk Jin Yun
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1975;18(11):835-840.   Published online November 30, 1975
The transfusion of whole blood and its components had become part of the daily treatment of patients. The vast improvement of technics in blood collection and storage, combined with constantly increasing knowledge in the field of blood group immunology, has made it possible to operate blood transfusion service at a level of safety that may make the physician forget the...
A Clinical Observation on Allergic Purpura in Korean Children
Wha-Sung Kok
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1975;18(11):841-847.   Published online November 30, 1975
Sixty-one cases of allergic purpura of children in Korea were analyzed referring to clinical manifestations, eighteen of these were admitted to the Pediatric Department of Han-gang Sacred Heart Hospital, School of Medicine, Chung-ang University during a period of 3 years and 2 months from January, 1972 through March, 1975 and fourty-three of these were reported by Kim (Ki-Joon) et al....
Case Report s
A Case of Cushing’s Syndrome
Sang Ho Ko, Soo Ha Park, Sang Man Shin, Joong Sik Kim, Choong Yoon, Moon Ho Yang
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1975;18(11):848-855.   Published online November 30, 1975
A case of Cushing’s syndrome in 10-year-old girl is presented who was admitted to the Pediatric ward of Kyung Hee University Hospital with the complaints of moon face, obesity and hirsutism. The diagnosis was confirmed by characteristic clinical features, biochemical studies, radiological studies and pathologic examination. The tumor was removed successfully and final diagnosis was adrenocortical carcinoma of the Rt....
Case Reports
A Case of Ritter’s Disease
Young Ock Yoon, Chong Seon Lee, Yeun Ki Kim, Yong II Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1975;18(11):856-859.   Published online November 30, 1975
A case of the “Ritter’s Disease" was presented. The 15-day-old male infant suffered from generalized erythematous papular, vesicular or bullous and occasional exfoliative lesions, which had developed 9 days before. Coagulase positive staphylococcus aureus was isolated by the bacteriologic culture method from the exudative bullous lesions and the Nikolsky’s sign was positve. The patient was completely recovered with systemic and...
A Case of Miliary Tuberculosis with a Cavity
Hyung Suck Byun
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1975;18(11):860-863.   Published online November 30, 1975
The author experienced a case of miliary tuberculosis with a cavity in a 3 month and 20 day-old girl. The diagnosis was confirmed by X-ray and AFB in aspirated material by lung puncture and defined by autopsy. Miliary shadow with pneumonic infiltration in right base was showed in chest X-ray but in autopsy, a cavity in 2cm diameter was found...
Abstracts from Foreign Literature
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1975;18(11):864-867.   Published online November 30, 1975
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