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Volume 22(4); Apr 1979
Original Articles
A Study of the LDH Activities ad Isoenzyme-Pattern in Cerebrospinal Fluid of various Central Nervous System Diseases.
Ha Baik Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(4):255-261.   Published online April 15, 1979
The Lactic Dehydrogenase(LDH) and its isoenzyme activities in Cerebrospinal Fluid(CSF) of 50 patients with Cental Nervous System (CNS) disease were studied to explore the possibility of difference among the various meningitis and their relationshiop to its prognosis, and to compare with 12 patients without CNS infection as control group The results obtained were as follows : 1) The levels of...
Statistical Observation for Admitted Patients during the Years of 1974 to 1977 at Ped. Dept. of Han-Il Hospital.
Yong Sub Kang, Sung Won Park, Kwang Shim, Yeun Ki Kim, Yong Il Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(4):262-291.   Published online April 15, 1979
Statistical analysis according to W.H.O. classification for the patients admitted the Ped. Dept. of Han-Il Hospital was carried out during 4 years from Jan. 1974 to Dec. 1977. The following results were observed. 1. Total No. of patient during 4 years period were 1955, of which 1199 were male(61.33%, 756 were female(38.67%) and male to femal ratio was 1.57:1. 2....
A Clinical Study on Intussusception in Infancy and Children.
Jae Ock Park, Soo Ok Lee, Woo Hyun, Sang Jhoo Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(4):292-299.   Published online April 15, 1979
A retrospective clinical study on 63 cases of intussusception in infants and children, who were admitted to the department of pediatrics and surgery from May, 1974 to Feb. 1978, was done. The prognosis of this disease is dependent upon early diagnosis and treatment but the causatio of this disease is not clear yet. It is a relatively common disease and...
A Study of the Newborn Associated with hiigh Risk Factor?.
Gwi Jong Ghoi
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(4):300-305.   Published online April 15, 1979
The author studied hiigh Risk Factor during a period of 1 year from July 1975 to June 1976 Among 1129 of newborns who were admitted to our nursery, 494 cases of the newborn were associated with hiigh risk factor? Following results were obtained : 1) The newborn associated with ?high risk factor?were 494 cases and about 44%,2) There was similar...
Fetomaternal Transfusion.
Dong Gwan Han, Chul Lee, Kir Young Kim, Hyo Kyu Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(4):306-312.   Published online April 15, 1979
From Feb, 1977, through Aug. 1977, 100 venous blood samples obtained from women within 48 hr after delivery were examnied for fetomaternal transfusion by the Nierhaus acid elution technique. Blood smears were scanned at 100 high power field for enumeration of fetal erythrocytes. 1. The incidence of fetomaternal transfusion was 26% 2. The incidence of fetomaternal transfusion was the highest...
Clinical Observasion and Electopheretic Pattern of Serum Protein in Patients of Epidemic Encephalitis..
Hae Jin Rhee, Sung Yong Ha
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(4):313-319.   Published online April 15, 1979
A Clinical observation on 272 cases of epidemic encephalitis admitted to the Department of Pediatrics, Chonnam University Hospital with 5 year duration from 1971 to 1975 was carried out and the serum protein fractions were studied paperelectrophoretically on 28 cases in 1975 The following results are obtained. : 1) The peak age group was from 6 to 10 years old,...
Study of Prolonged Membrane Rupture with Relationship to Management.
Young Seok Jun, Young Ok Sin, Elizabeth Nicholson, Young Shin Kwark
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(4):320-323.   Published online April 15, 1979
At present there is argument for and against the use of prophylatic antibiotics in simple prolonged ruptured membranes. At Il Sin we studied 96 babies of mothers with prolonged ruptured membranes(58 control, 38 treated). We differentiated between the premature and fullerm babies. The number of premature babies were too small for conparision but in the full term control and prophylactic...
To Study Effetct of Dexamethasone in Preventing Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Premature Labour.
Young Ok Sin, Jheong Hae Hahn, Elizabeth Nicholson, Youn Shin Kark
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(4):324-329.   Published online April 15, 1979
At Il Sin Women's Hospital from January 1st to June 30th 1978 there were 463 preterm deliveries(Less than 38 weeks Gestation). 161 of these were between 28-36 weeks gestatin. To study the effect of Dexamethasone in preventing respiratory distress syndrome(R.D.S.) 39 mothers received Dexamethasone before delivery and 85 comparable babies were placed in the control group. 1. R.D.S. was seen...
Case Report
One Cases of Trinsient Neonatal Diabetes.
H K Lee, K S Chung, DJ Yoon
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(4):330-332.   Published online April 15, 1979
A case of transient neonatal diabetes in a 7-days old male neonate was presented. This neonate was admitted because of fever, vomiting, abdominal distension. Laboratory finding showed increased blood glucose level, glucosuria, decreased CO2 combining power and abnormal glucose tolerance test. The patient was treated successfully by low-dose continous intravenous insulin infusion therapy. A brief review of related literatures were...
Problem Cases Conferehce
Severe prematurity with intractable dyspnea and cyanosis.
Gu KO, Jg JI
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(4):333-333.   Published online April 15, 1979
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