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Volume 22(9); Sep 1979
Original Articles
Drug Resistance and Distribution of R Plasmids in Escherichia coli Isolated in Pediatric Patients.
I S Chang, Y S Yoon, K B Kim, H C Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(9):755-764.   Published online September 15, 1979
One hundred seventy strains of E.coli were isolated from meconium and stool samples of newborn infants delivered in KCH, pediatric inpatients, and outpatients during 1978. Strain resistance to antimicrobial agents, and distribution of R Plasmids among them were tested. No. coliform bacterium was detected in meconium samples within 6 hours of birth, but after 20 hours all meconium samples contained...
Comparative Evaluation Between 4 Methods for Determination of Bilirubin Concentration in the Jaundiced Newborn Infants.
Ki Hong Suh, Chang II Ahn
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(9):765-772.   Published online September 15, 1979
A study was made on 177 jaundiced newborn infants who were admitted to the Pediatric ward and nursery of Kyung Hee Medical Center from Oct. 1977 to Sept. 1978. This investigation was (I) to assess the value of Dermal icterus and Perspex Icterometer as a screening device to estimate the bilirubin concentration and (ii) to evaluate the accuracy of bilirubin...
Clinical Study and Diagnostic Value of Monocytosis.
Kyo Sun Kim, Chee Ok Ahn, Kee Choon Kim, Kir Young Kim, Duk Jin Yun
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(9):773-779.   Published online September 15, 1979
The usefullness of monocytosis in routine CMC as an aid in diagnosis of several diseases was evaluated in infancy and children. 234 cases in which the absolute count was more than 750 mono cyte per cubic millimeter were the subject of this study. The following results were obtained; 1) 234 cases (2.9%) of total 8069 patients from Oct. 1977 to...
Clinical Studies on Purpura in Children.
S K Lee, A R Kim, K J Nam, S H Shin
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(9):780-786.   Published online September 15, 1979
This is a clinical study of 98 cases of purpura who were admitted to our Pediatric Dep't of Presbyterian medical center from Jan. 1973 to Dec. 1977. There were 57 boys and 41 girls and the results were as follows: 1. Allergic purpura was the most common cause of purpura comprising 28.6%(28 cases), followed by meningococcemia 23.5% (23 cases), I.T.P....
Clinical Studies of Nephrotic Syndrome in Children.
Soon Pyo Chung, Pyung Do Nam, Yeo Sook Koh, Kew Taek Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(9):787-798.   Published online September 15, 1979
The authors observed thirty two cases of nephrotic syndrome admitted at Pediatric Department of St. Benedict Hospital, Busan, Korea. No specific cause for nephrotic syndrome was found in all patients. Respnse to the initial continuous steroid therapy, relapsing patterns and onset of diuresis between steroid only and steroid combined with furosemide especially in severely illed patients were evaluated in this...
Case Reports
An Autopsy Case of Agyria.
Young Ill Park, Joon Hee Oh, Tae Sub Shim, Je G Chi
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(9):799-802.   Published online September 15, 1979
An autopsy case of agyria in a newborn infant was reported. This neonate had her birth weight of 1.62kg after 40 weeks of gestation. The head circumference was 24cm(less than 3 percentile), and was slightly asymmetric. The brain weighed 60 grams. Fronto-occipital diameter was 7cm. And biparietal diameter was 6.5cm. Two small hemispheres were covered with opague congested leptomeninges, and...
A Case of Tubular Duplication of the Ileum.
Won Yong Kim, In Soon Park, Choong Rae Kim, Dae Young Hwang, Soon Yong Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(9):803-808.   Published online September 15, 1979
A case of tubular duplicatio of the ileum in a 2 months old infant was presented. This patient was admitted because of abdominal distention and poor general condition. Operation revealed long tubular duplicated blind intestine, measuring 57X5cm in size. The pathologic diagnosis confirmed duplication of the ileum. The patient was discharged without any complication on the 17 th postoperative day....
A Case Report of Congenital Ileal Atresia with Microcolon.
Eun Kim, Hye Young Hwang, Dong Hwan Lee, Sang Jhoo Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(9):809-813.   Published online September 15, 1979
This is a case report of the congenital ileal atresia with disuse microcolon. The patient was a 3 day-old male newborn infant who was admitted in department of pediatrics Soon Chun Hyang Hospital with complaints of persistant vomitings, no meconium passage, and jaundice from a few hours after birth. The diagnosis was established by characteristic clinical features and barium enuma...
A Case of Wilson-Mikity Syndrome.
Ra Lee, Young Chul Song, Heung Jae Lee, Keun Soo Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(9):814-817.   Published online September 15, 1979
A 2 months old male patient with Wilson-Mikity Syndrome was presented. Characteristic clinical manifestations &typical X-ray findings were confirmative for the diagnosis of this syndrome. Pertinent liiteratures &references on Wilson-Mikity syndrome were reviewed briefly.
A Case of Acrocephalosyndactyly.
Y S Cho, S C Park, S H Yun, J D Cho
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(9):818-823.   Published online September 15, 1979
Apert first described acrocephalosyndactyly as a clinical entity in 1906. Since that time, more than 200 cases have been reported in the world literature. Acrocephalosyndactyly is a rare congenital disturbance in the growth of bone and soft tissue affecting principally the haed, the hands and the feet. This is characterized by malformation of the skull, most often acrocephaly, combined with...
Two Cases of Hand, Foot and Month Disease.
Jung Won Soh, Hyung Cheon Kim, Hyung Yong Huh, Chull Sohn
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(9):824-829.   Published online September 15, 1979
We experienced two cases of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease with vesicular lesions in the oral cavity and maculopapular rash on hands and feet. The diagnosis was confirmed by clinical features and biopsy findings. Also we made a brief review of literatures.
Postgraduate Lecture
Malignant Lymphoma.
ByeongSu Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(9):830-834.   Published online September 15, 1979
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