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Volume 24(7); Jul 1981
Original Articles
Percutaneous Needle Liver Biopsy in Infancy and Childhood.
Ki Sup Chung, Young Mo Sohn, Duk Jin Yun, Chan Il Park
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1981;24(7):609-619.   Published online July 15, 1981
Thirty percutaneous liver biopsy and one liver necropsy were reviewed in Severance Hospital, Yonsei University from June 1979 to September 1980. This procedure is the safe and accurate means of diagnosing and studying liver diseases in the pediatric patients especially persistent conjugated hyperbilirubinemia, chronic liver disease, and some rare diseases (eg. Histiocytosis-X, Storage disease disease, Gilbert syndrome), The significance of...
Treatment of Aplastic Anemia with Lithium Carbonate.
Chang Yee Hong, Hyo Seop Ahn
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1981;24(7):620-624.   Published online July 15, 1981
The effect of lithium carbonate was investigated on the five cases of aplastic anemia with measuring of serum level and EKG check. Reticulocyte count increased slightly only in one case. Hemoglobin, WBC and platelet count did not show any significant increase in all cases. No apparent side effect, including EKG finding, was observed.
A Study on the differences in Blood Pictures of Premature Babies and Term Babies.
Ko Chang Kim, Chong Moo Park
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1981;24(7):625-637.   Published online July 15, 1981
The author has studied on the differences in blood pictures, especially the differences of blood pictures in capillary blood and venous blood, in 25 premature babies and 50 term babies from birth to 7 days of age sequentially during the period of 6 monts from April 1980 to Sept. 1980. The results are summarized as follws; 1. As comparing blood...
Effects of Arginine Vasopressin on Renal Function in the Rabbit.
Dae Yeol Lee, Sun Taik Rhim, Jung Soo Kim, Kyu Cha Kim, Kyung Woo Cho
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1981;24(7):638-644.   Published online July 15, 1981
It has long been known that Vasopressin could increase the urinary sodium and chloride excretion. The exact mechanism and site of action, however, have not yet been explained. Experiments were performed whether the renal effects were the same in both cortical and juxtamedullary nephron in decorticated kiddney model. Heat-decortication was car ried out in the left kidney immersed in water...
Selective Protein Index and Response to Treatment in the Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome.
Chang Ho Hong, Chul Lee, Pyung Kill Kim, Duk Jin Yun
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1981;24(7):645-651.   Published online July 15, 1981
In a group of 59 children with nephrotic syndrome who had been admitted to Severance Ho-spital, during the period of 2 years from July of 1978 till June of 1980, the histological picture seen on renal biopsy, the selective protein index, and the response to the steroid therapy were studied. The degree of selective protein index is not related to...
Diagnostic Value of Serum Immunoglobulins in Glomerulonephritis.
Pyung Kil Kim, Kyo Sun Kim, Chul Lee, Nan Ae Kim, Jae Seung Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1981;24(7):652-658.   Published online July 15, 1981
Serum immunoglobulin concenatrations were measured in 156 patients with various types of glomerulonephritis such as acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis, minimal lesion nephrotic syndrome and Henoch-Sch?lein purpura nephritis. 1) Serum IgG level was above normal mean in acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis, and normal range in Henoch-Scholein purpura nephritis. Serum IgG concentrations were significantly reduced in minimal lesion nephrotic syndrome. 2) Serum IgA concentrations...
The Heart in Acute Glomerulonephritis: An Echocardiographic Study.
Eun Hee Choi, In Hyun Cho, Sun Ja Lee, Dong Hyuck Keum
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1981;24(7):659-665.   Published online July 15, 1981
Patients with acute glomerulonephritis often are seen with signs suggesting heart failure. Whether these signs are due to fluid overload secondary to kidney damage only, or whether there is associated myocardial damage has not been elucidated. Twenty-two children with acute glomerulonephritis were studied by echocardiography during edematous phase of disease. Left ventricular function was normal in all childrem. The most...
Case Reports
A Case of Tuberculous Peritonitis Confirmed by Peritoneoscopy.
Jin Choi, Kyu Youp Kim, Woo Gill Lee, Choon Suk Kee, Min Ahn
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1981;24(7):666-670.   Published online July 15, 1981
Tuberculous peritonitis is mainly transmitted via hematogenous spreading of tuberculous bacilli. But sometimes this disease is occured, as the abdominal lymph node infected by the localized tuberculous enteritis was ruptured We pressent the report and the brief review of related literatures, who experienced a case of tuberculous peritonitis confirmed by paracentiesis and peritoneoscopic examination in a 9 years old male...
One Case of Neonatal Peritonitis Complicated by Anal Stenosis.
Byung Giu Kim, Su Yung Kim, Sook Hyeon Yoon, Jong Dae Jo
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1981;24(7):671-676.   Published online July 15, 1981
The anorectal anomaly is not rarely seen in the neonatal period. But, If it is not accompanied with a fairly large fistula, it presents an urgent problem, so should be managed with perianal anoplasty or colostomy. Neonatal peritonitis is very grave and is caused by various conditions listed in Table 1. In Korea, no case of neonatal peritonitis caused by...
A Case of Rt. Renal Agenesis Combined with Cryptorchism and Neuroblastoma.
Hee Jung Chung, Chul Lee, Pyung Kill Kim, Chang Jin Kim, Kwang Kill Lee, Yu Bok Lee, Ki Keun Oh
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1981;24(7):677-684.   Published online July 15, 1981
Congenital unilateral renal agenesis is a rare congenital anomaly. Furthermore, renal agenesis associated with neuroblastoma and cryptorchism is more rare in incidence. Recently we experieced a case of Rt. renal agenesis combined with cryptorchism and neuroblastoma. We diagnosed it with IVP and selective renal angiography and confirmed it with explolaparotomy and biopsy. We reviewed the literatures on renal agenesis, cryptorchism...
A Case of Idiopathic Acanthosis Nigricans.
Ho Joo Yoon, Seung Il Kim, Kyu Dock Shin, Poong Man Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1981;24(7):685-689.   Published online July 15, 1981
Acanthosis nigricans is characterized by hyperpigmented, velvety thickening of the skin of any part of the body and frequently associated with internal malignancy, endocrine diseases and obesity. In children, systemic abnormality rarely occur in associated with prepubertal Acanthosis nigricans. We experienced a case of idiopathic Acanthosis nigricans, and made a brief review of literatures.
Tuberculous Abscess and Empyema of the Liver.
Ran Nam Gung, Kwan Sub Chung, Ki Sup Chung, Duk Jin Yun
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1981;24(7):690-695.   Published online July 15, 1981
We have experienced a case of tuberculous abscess of the liver with empyema in a 12 years old boy. He was admitted with the chief complaints of pain and mass in the right upper abdomen of about 1 month duration and intermittent mild fever for 15 days. On examination, liver was palpable 5 cm below the right costal margin, and...
A Case of Beckwith Syndrome.
Kyung Tae Kim, Dae Sik Hong, Byung Do Nam, Kew Taek Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1981;24(7):696-698.   Published online July 15, 1981
We experienced one case of Beckwith syndrome. This one day aged male neonate manifested macroglossia, umbilical hernia, visceromegaly, hypoglycemia, gigantism and polycythemia. A brief review of related literature is also presented.
Two Cases of Moyamoya Disease.
Kyo Sun Kim, Han Soo Choi, Ki Sub Chung, Duk Jin Yun
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1981;24(7):699-702.   Published online July 15, 1981
Moyamoya disease is characterised by stenosis or occlusion in the distal portions of the internal carotid artery. There is the associated finding of a fine network of abnormal vessels ('moyamoya' vessels, that is 'puff of smoke' like appearance) in the region of the basal ganglia. We experienced two cases of moyamoya disease which was confirmed by carotid angiogram. Case 1...
Problem Case Conference
Burkitt Lymphoma.
K.W. Ko, J.G. Ji
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1981;24(7):705-708.   Published online July 15, 1981