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Volume 25(4); Apr 1982
Original Articles
Plasma Renin Activities in Patients with Acute Poststreptococcal Glomerulonephritis.
S Y Chang, B H Oh, W G Lee, C M Park
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(4):329-333.   Published online April 30, 1982
Acute poststreptococcal glomeruonephritis is the most common non-pyogenic renal disease in childhood. The main clinical manifestations are edema, hematuria and hypertension. During the course of the disease, acute renal failure and hypertension are most common complications. Hypertension may give rise to encephalopasthy in small percentage of patients. Yet, the precise mechanism of its pathogenesis has remained uncertain. Increased cardiac output...
Importance of radiographic study of urinary tract infection in children.
Chang Ho Hong, Kyu Earn Kim, Pyung Kil Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(4):334-339.   Published online April 30, 1982
In urinary tract infection of childhood, the intravenous pyelogram is helpful in identifying gross malformations of urinary tract and appraising gross renal function. The voiding cystourethrogram evaluates configuration and function of the lower urinary tract and is most useful for delineating the presence and severity of vesicoureteral reflux. The intravenous pyelogram is suggested for every male patients with one documented...
Epidemilogical Study of Nares and Umbilicus of Normal Fullterm Newborns in the Nursery and Clinical Follow Up at 4 Weeks of Age.
Soon Wha Kim, Gyoung Hee Kim, Keun Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(4):340-346.   Published online April 30, 1982
This study was undertaken to find out the bacteriological colonization of nares and umbilicus of 166 normal fullterm newborns in the nursery of Ewha Womans University Hospital during the period from July 1 to Aug 31. 1980 and its relation with follow up study at the age of 4 weeks. The results are as following: 1) The cultures of nares...
A Statistical Study of Feeding Trends.
Dae Sik Hong, Woo Sik Chung, Heung Kyu Kim, Byung Do Nam, Kew Taek Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(4):347-355.   Published online April 30, 1982
A statistical study was done on the feeding trends of 2,965 children who had visited both the out-patient clinic and the well-baby clinic of Padiatric Department, St. Benedict Hosp., from Sept., 1979 to Aud., 1980. 1) Among the total 2,965 children, the distribution according to age was about the same. The percentage of male and female was 58.5% respectively. As...
Febrile Convulsion.
Ja Young Park, Seung Ju Lee, Keun Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(4):356-362.   Published online April 30, 1982
We have observed the clinical findings and progress of the febrile convulsion in 182 children who were admitted to Ewha Womans University Hospital from 1976 to 1980 1) In sex distribution, the boys (65.4%) outnumbered the girls (34.6%). 2) 88% of the children were under 3 years of age at the first epidsode of the febrile convulsion. 3) There was...
A Clinical Review of Miliary Tuberculosis in Children.
You Nam Kim, Seung Joon Park, Heung Kyu Kim, Ki Bok Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(4):363-372.   Published online April 30, 1982
A Clinical study was made of 88 pediatric patients with miliary tuberculosis, who were admitted to the Pediatric Department of Kwangju Christian Hospital during the period of January, 1971 through December, 1980. 1) The incidence of miliary tuberculosis in children was 0.6%(88 cases) of the total pediatric admission cases(13969), and 12.5% (88 cases) of the total pediatric tuberculous patiens(705). 2)...
A Clinical Study on Acute Appendicitis in Children.
Young Sook Hong, Jae Sook Kim, Nam Ji Cho, Ki Ung Hong
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(4):373-378.   Published online April 30, 1982
A Clinic study was made on 140 cases of acute appendicitis in children under the age of 15 which were treated at National Seoul Hospital during the past 10 years from Jan. 1971 to dec. 1980. The following results were obtained. 1) The disease is relatively uncommon under the age of 6, and showed a progressive increase from 6 to...
Statistical Studies on Pediatric Inpatients.
Jung Han Lee, Hyun Sook Park, Young Hee Yu, Hyun Sook Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(4):379-387.   Published online April 30, 1982
The authors reviewed 729 Pediatric inpatients in this Hospital during 3 years period from Jan. 1978. To Dec. 1980. The results were obtained as follow: 1. The male to female ratio was 2.2:1. 2. Distrstribution of cases as follows:; Infectious and parasitic diseases 39.5%, diases of the respiratory system 23.87% and diseases of the genitourinary system 10.29%, in turn, listed...
Case Reports
A Case of Hypereosinophilic Syndrome.
Chul Young Lee, Ki Sup Chung, Byung Soo Kim, Chang Jin Kim, Chan Il Park
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(4):388-392.   Published online April 30, 1982
Marked eosinophilia is a common finding in many disease, occurring most frequently in allergic and parasitic conditions. A Separate syndrome characterized by peripheral eosinophilia and multisystem eosinophilic infiltration has been reported by many authors with a variety of diagnoses. In 1968, Hardy and Anderson proposed the term hypereosinophilic syndrome to encompass the entire group and in 1975, Chusid reported 14...
A Case of Polycystic Kidney Associated with Pulmonary Hypoplasin in a Newborn Neonate.
Seong Ky Chung, Yoon Bae Lim, Ky Yang Ryoo, Seong Hoe Park
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(4):393-398.   Published online April 30, 1982
Polycstic kidney was rare problem of pediatric disease category. We have experienced one case of polycstic kidney(Potter type I) with pulmonary hypoplasia who born after 35 weeks of gestation to a 34 year-old mother. The clinical course of this infant was characterized by respiratory difficulty with apnea, cyanosis and marked abdominal distension. Chest X-Ray film showed no airation in the...
A Case of Disseminated Cryptococcosis with Skin Lesion and Miliary Shadows of the Lung.
Chan Ho Bang, Sang Keun Chi, In Ho Kim, Sang Woo Kim, Ill Hyang Ko
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(4):399-403.   Published online April 30, 1982
A Case of disseminated cryptococcosis in a 5-year old girl is reported. Although twenty four pediatric cases of cryptococcosis were reported in Korea for the past 15years, this case's clinical picture is interesting and make diagnostic difficulties from miliary tuberculosis. She was transferred from a local clinic under the impression of miliary tuberculosis with chest X-ray showing miliary shadows. Mantoux...
A Case of Gastric Teratoma Combined with Congenital Syphilis.
Du Yung Lee, Jin Sook Lee, Dong Whan Cha, Se Jin Kang, Kwang Ho Kim, Kwan Sub Chung
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(4):404-409.   Published online April 30, 1982
Gastric Teratomas are exetremely rare in infancy and childhood. About 50 cases of gastric teratomas are reported in the world's literature. Most of them were male. Few were dignosed prior to surgery. The mos thelpful diagnostic aid was of teeth or bone in radiologic examinations. Treatment is surgical excision and all of them were benign. Recently, we experienced a case...
A Case of Takayasu's Disease.
Kwang Chul Lee, Se Jin Cheon, Tai Sik Kim, Young Chang Tockgo
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(4):410-415.   Published online April 30, 1982
Takayasu's disease is characterized by absent upper extremity pulses and ophthalmological finding of secreased visions and catract formation. Clinical features of Takayasu's disease are attributed to an obstructive arteritis of the large vessels criginating from aortic arch and other aortic segments. This dissease most frequently has been reported from Orient, and has affected primarily young females. This is a report...
A Case Report of Ginko Biliba Linne Friuts Juice Intoxication.
Sook Kyung Yoon, Jun Taek Park, Chang Hee Choi, Kyu Eun Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(4):416-418.   Published online April 30, 1982
A Case of acute Ginko poisoning in a Year and 1 month old girl was presented. The patient was admitted, with chief complainsof abrupt vomiting, general clonic convulson and unconsciouseness, which was developed 2 hours after ingestion of Ginko biloba L.. There was revealed leukocytosis, increased C.S.F. pressure with positive Babinski sign. This patient was treated with anticonvulsants, antipyretics, steroid...
A case of Pierre-Robin Syndrome.
Soon Ja Han, yeongok bang, Dong Hwan Lee, Sang Jhoo Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(4):419-422.   Published online April 30, 1982
Micrognathia, cleft palate and glossoptosis, a combination of anomalies known as Pierre Robin syndrome, causes severe respiratory and alimentary difficulties in affected infants. With appropriate care and treatment, mental development can be made normal. But about 10~25% of children become retarded. We have experienced above case in a female infant, aged 6 months. She was acmitted on account of respiratory...
Original Articles
Germinal matrix hemorrhage with intraventricular hemorrhage.
Gwang guk Ko, Jegeun Ji
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(4):423-426.   Published online April 30, 1982
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