A retrospective analysis of clinical findings in 63 patients above 2 years of age who were admitted to our hospital due to pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae from July, 1986 to June, 1987 was performed. The results obtained were as follows: 1) The number of patients showing positive reaction to cold agglutinin test (above 1:64) were 59 (55. 7%) among 106 total pneumonia cases. 2) The... |
Fifty.Six cases with infective endocarditis who were admitted to Department of Pediatrics, Seoul National University Hospital from January 1979 to December 1986 were reviewed. All the cases were confirmed bγ clinical findings, blood culture and echocardiographic findings. The incidence of infective endocarditis was 0.25/ 1,000 admissions. Male to female ratio was 1.2:1. All the cases had heart defect that was congenital heart disease in... |
This study determined the accuracy of Doppler echocardiography for predicting the pulmonary artery pressure from right ventricular systolic time intervals in 25 pediatric patients with various congenital cardiovascular diseases undergoing cardiac catheterization. Either estimated pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP) using Burstin nomogram and pulmo- nary artery diastolic pressure (PADP) using Riggs equation (PADP= 151· RPEP / RVET ·20.7) correlated well with the pressures at... |
We experienced 23 patients with congential hypertrophic pyloric stenosis from Dec. 1978 to Aug. 1987 The age and sex distribution, family and birth history, clinical symptoms with prognosis etc. were reviewed. The results were as follows. 1) Most of the patients (20 cases, 87%) represented symptoms within 6 weeks of age. 2) Male was predominated than female by the ratio of 19:4. 3) The first baby was... |
A clinical study of 687 patients including 76 with one or more episodes of recurrent intussusception who had been admítted to Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine during the 5 year and 4 month period from Jan. 1982 to Apr. 1987 was made and compared with previous clinical data collected from 1977 to 1981. The results were as follows. 1) The overall recurrence rate... |
Uninary tract infection as one of the common infectious disease all through the childhood and can be the cause of febrile illnesses. During infancy, the diagnosis of UTI is easily overooked because of relative lack of charateristic urinary symptoms. But UTI was found to cause longterm sequelae more often in infancy than later. We studied 258 cases of febrile infants and 345 cases of... |
Clinical observation was performed on 65 cases of Guillain -Barré syndrome which were en at the Department of Pediatrics, Seoul National University Hospital, during the past 10 years from January 1977 to December 1986. The results were as follows: 1) The ratio of male to female was 2:1 and 56.9% of the total cases were seen between the ages of 1-5 years. 2) The highest seasonal... |
BRE, probably the commonest varierity of partial epilepsy in childhood has 6 characteristics; it occurs in children, without neuropsychiatric antecidents, never related to progressive cerebral lesion, interictal EEG shows Rolandic spikes, the seizure are varied and there is always recovery in puberty at the latest. We reviewed 70 patients with BRE to observe the age and sex distribution, EEG findings, clinical sign and symptoms, treatment... |
The authors experinced 94 cases of Henoch-Schönlein purpura in chilhood during the period form January, 1981 to Junly, 1987. The summary of the clinical and laboratory observations are as follows. 1) Male to female ratio was 1.4 : 1 and the age distribution of Henonoch-Schönlein purpura in showed a peak incidence between 3 to 10 years of age (79%). 2) In seasonal incidence, the... |
Brain computed tomography was carried out on 37 patients with developmental retardation with or without growth retardation which were admitted to Pediatric Department of Dong San Hospital, Keimyung University during the period of 6 years and 2 months from April 1980 to May 1986 and following results were obtained. Computed tomographic abnomalities were defined in 78.4% of these patients. Majorities were brain atrophy (55.2% )... |
We experienced a case of neonatal short bowel syndrome due to multiple jejuno-ileal atresia with microcolon. On the 1st day of her life, there were symptoms of vomiting and abdominal distension. The radiological study show multiple dilated intestinalloops and malrotation. On the 4th day of her life, the extensive enterectomy was done. The remaining small bowel consisted of 30 cm of proximal jejunum and distal... |
Chondrodysplasia punctata is a rare familial disorder of bone, characterized by punctate calcifica- tion in the epiphyseal regions. We experienced a case of the rhizomelic type of chondrodysplasia punctata in an one day old female. She had symmetrical shortening of the proximal limbs, flexion contracture of both hip joints, cataracts and ichthyotic skin lesion. Radiologic findings showed multiple stippled calcified densities in most joints and... |
Desquamative interstitial pneumonia (DIP) is a variant of idiopathic interstitial pneumonias, but characteristicalIy has massive desquamation and proliferation of alveolar cells into the distal air space with minimal fibrosis of the alveolar wall. DIP seems to have better response to corticosteroid and benign prognosis than idiopathic interstitial pneumonia. We experienced one case of 6-year old girl who showed typical picture of DIF on lung... |
Achalasia is an espohageal motility disorder. It is characterized by the loss LES relaxation on swallowing and of esophageal peristalsis and results in dysphagia, regurgitation and substernal pain. Manometry is one of several diagnostic tests of achalasia and reveals 1) Complete absence of esophageal peristalsis, 2) hypertension of LES. 3) impaired sphincter relaxation on swallowing and 4) positive esophageal body pressure compared to intragastric pressure. We... |
The authors experienced a case of ulcerative colitis associated with pretibial erythema nodosum. A 12-year old male patient was admitted to our department beacause of loose stool and abdominal pain for 3 month. We diagnosed it throuth the evaluation of clinical and radiographic features including colon study. Colonoscopic and histopathologic findings aid to the confirmation of the diagnosis. A brief review of the related literatures... |
Paroxysmal choreoathetosis is a rare, involuntary movement disorder, wich occur spontaneously or may be induced by movement, startle or anxiety. The attacks are tonic, dystonic or choreoathetotic without loss of consciousness, urinary inconti- nence, or amnesia. The atacks begin most often in school aged years and the course is nonprogressive. The response to anticonvulsant therapy is usually excellent, We report a case of paroxysmal kinesigenic choreoathetosis... |
Ganglioneuroblastoma is a malignant tumor which contains characteristics of both the neuroblastoma and the ganglioneuroma. It may be invasive and metastasized to the distant organs. We experienced a case of ganglioneuroblastoma which was arised from the left adrenal gland and metastasized to the left femur and the bone marrow. A 3 year old male patient was diagnosed as ganglioneuroblastoma and confirmed histologically A review of literatures... |
Intracranial tumors presenting in the first year of life are uncommon. Brain tumors in infancy are predominantly supratentorial, whereas in older children the majority are infratentorial. Malignant ependymoma is a rare type of primitive ependymal tumor with clinically high malignancy. We experienced a malignant ependymoma in a 5 month old girl who had progressive enlargement of head circumference with vomiting. Brain computed tomography revealed... |
A 11/2 year old male child was admitted to the Department of Pedíatrics of Chosun University Hospital because of dyspnea and coughíng. on physical examination, intercostal and subcostal retraction were observed, and dullness and decreased breathing sound were auscultated on the right side chest. Seven months earlier, the patient developed a mass on the right side testis and has grown rapidly and was admitted to... |