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Volume 38(3); Mar 1995
Original Articles
Assessment of Infantile Mental and Motor Development Influenced by Breast Milk and Formula Feeding
Chul Lee, Min Soo Park, Young Mi Chung, Hye Jung Joo, Kwang-Moon Kim, Dong Gwan Han
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(3):289-296.   Published online March 15, 1995
Purpose : This study was undertaken to compare the mental and motor development, unsing Bayley Developmental Scale, during infancy(6-8 months of age) according to the choice of feeding, either breast milk of formula, as well as to evaluate its influence on physical growth. Methods : The study population was 43 normal infants between 6 and 8 months of age, of birth...
A Study on Nutritional Status of Iron and Lipids in Infants
Kwang-Hea Choi, Son Moon Shin, Kee-Hwa Oh, Jung Sook Seo, Kwang-Soo Kim, Yung-Sun Choi
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(3):297-305.   Published online March 15, 1995
Purpose : This study was conducted to get baseline data to establish a guideline for the infant nutrition by observing the feeding practice and nutritional intake during infancy and evaluationg the nutritional status of iron and lipids at 12-month-old infants. Methods : This survery was cnducted from July to November, 1992. Subjects were healthy infants who were brought to Yeungnam University...
The Values of Tetanus Toxoid Specific IgG Immunoglobulins in Children
Young Kwan Kim, Young Mo Son
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(3):306-310.   Published online March 15, 1995
Purpose : Tetanus toxoid specific IgG titers were measured in 76 cases on children ranging from neonates to 18 yr old adolescents according to the frequency of DPT vaccination. Methods : The Enzyquick tetanus Kit was used to measure tetanus toxoid specific IgG titers by the ELISA method. Results : 1) In infants less than 2 months-olg, the mean tetanus toxoid specific...
Varicella-zoster Antibody Titer in Neonates according to Gestational Age
Ji Young Rhou, Eun Yae Park, Kyung Hee Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(3):311-318.   Published online March 15, 1995
Purpose : Acquisition of varicella by the neonate as a result of congenital varicella-zoster infection or exposure during delivery is well known. And it generaly believed that infants under 6 months of age may acquire varicella more frequently than other viral infections such as measles. However, little if known about immune mechanism of varicella-zoster infection. Transfer maternal antibodies to this...
A Study on Clinical Characteristics of Maxillary Sinusitis in Korean Children
Dong Nam Kim, Sung Hee Oh, Hahng Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(3):319-327.   Published online March 15, 1995
Purpose : Paranasal sinusitis, easily overlooked owing to it's benign symptomatology, should be considered when the upper respiratory tract infction persists longer than seven days. Without early recognition and appropriate management, the disease will take a chronic course and the incidence of complications will be increased. The significance of paranasal sinusitis among Korean children has not appropriately been appreciated; therefore,...
Doppler Analysis of Renal Blood Flow in Normal Children
Hyun Joo Kwak, Jae Yong Kim, Kee Hwan Yoo, Young Sook Hong, Joo Won Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(3):328-338.   Published online March 15, 1995
Purpose : Recent development in ultrasonic Doppler instrumentation have allowed the direct noninvasive assessment of human renal artery blood flow. The authors conducted this study to assess noninvasive characterization of normal renal artery blood flow variables hopping to establish standards in normal children. Methods : A total 97 normal Subjects(below the age 3 years) were examinated using by 2-D and...
Peptic Ulcer Disease in Infants and Children
In Sheol Park, Nam Su Kim, Poong Man Jung
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(3):339-346.   Published online March 15, 1995
Purpose : This study was performed to be helpful in early diagnosis and treatment of the children with peptic ulcer disease. Methods : The authors observed 36 children with peptic ulcer disease who had been admitted to Hanyang University Hospital during the 11 year 4 mont period from January 1981 to April 1992 retrospectively. The diagnosis was established in 33.3% by...
Ultrasound-Guided Percutaneous Renal Biopsy in 420 Children
Byoung-Soo Cho, Wan-Young Shin, Young-Tae Ko, Moon-Ho Yang
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(3):347-352.   Published online March 15, 1995
Purpose : Ulrasound-quided percutaneous renal biopsy in useful in diagnosis of renal diseases and assessment of progression. We performaed 420 cases of percutaneous renal biopsy in children since 1980. We analysis the method, results and complications. Methods : We used modified Vim-Silverman needle or Biopty?gun (pat 4699154, BARD) with Toshiba, 4 MHz GCE-406, aspiration transducer. Sedation was done by demerol(1mg/kg IM)...
Clinical Characteristics of Childhood Cerebrovascular Disease and Analysis on the Prognostic Factors
Yong Seung Hwang, Moon Sun Yang
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(3):353-365.   Published online March 15, 1995
Purpose : Cerebrovascular disease in children is more common than was once recognized and the etiology and prognosis of the disease in children are quite different from those of adults. Recently according to medical reports and clinical experiences, the incidence of childhood cerebrovascular disease is increasing in Korea. To clarify the clinical features of childhood cerebrovascular disease and to analyze its...
Infections in Children with Neoplastic Disease
Eun Hwa Choi, Jin Won Pyo, Jin Young Park, Kyung Bae Kwon, Bo Young Yun, Hee Young Shin, Hoan Jong Lee, Hyo Seop Ahn
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(3):366-377.   Published online March 15, 1995
Purpose : Infection is a major complication in patients with malignant disease. This study was performed to identify the causes and the etiologic agents of febrile infections and to characterize the clinical courses including the response to antimicrobial agents inpediatric cancer patients. Methods : This study reviewed 274 febrile episodes occurring in 163 children with neoplastic disease which were indentified prospectively...
A Study about Optimal Dose of Aspirin in Treating Kawasaki Disease
Yun-Jeong Chang, Seung-Kyoo Han, Soon-Ki Kim, Byong-Kwan Son, Jong-Woon Choi
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(3):378-385.   Published online March 15, 1995
Purpose : A prospective study was performed to evaluate the efficacies of two different dosages of aspirin(ASA) in treating Kawasaki disease(KD). Methods : Thirty-nine children with KD were admitted to this hospital from July, 1992 to May, 1993, and were assigned randomly into 2 groups. Group A(medium-dose group, 20 patients) was given 50mg/kg/d(# 4), and group B(high-dose gorup, 19 patients) was...
A Clinical Study on Pauciarticular Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis(JRA)
Youn Soon Hahn, Jeoong Gon Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(3):386-396.   Published online March 15, 1995
Purpose : The purpose of this study was to analyse clinical and laboratory patterns in patients in Korea with juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis(JRA), pauciarticular type and to know the characteristics of pauciarticular JRA in Korea. Methods : Twenty-three cases of pauciarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis(JRA) who were diagnosed in the department of Pediatrics, Seoul National University hospital (from june 1988 to May 1994)...
Case Reports
Two Cases of Tetrahydrobiopterin Deficiency
Jee Won Choi, Sei Won Yang, Hyung Ro Moon, Se Chin Cho
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(3):397-403.   Published online March 15, 1995
Tetrahydrobiopterin(BH4) deficiency is a rare type of hyperphenylalaninemia and usually leads to a progressive neurologic deterioration despite early dietary control of blood phenylalanine concentration. We experienced two cases of BH4 deficiency in brother and sister, confirmed by biochemical study of blood and urine. They had suffered from a progressive neurologic illness such as mental retardation, severe hypotonia, seizure, and athetotic movements...
A Case of Intestinal Tuberculosis with Tuberculous Mesenteric Lymphadenitis Simulating Neoplasm
Jin Young Choi, Won Kyu Choi, Hwang Min Kim, Joong Soo Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(3):404-408.   Published online March 15, 1995
The incidence of abdominal tuberculosis is decreasing due to more effective chemotherapy and pasteurization of milk and tuberculosis may nt be given serious consideration, especially when the primary pulmonary site is healed or not roentgenographically apparent. The clinical features of these infection are relatively nonspecific and the combination of abdominal mass, weight loss, anorexia and fever frequently lead to an...
Isolated Unilateral Pulmonary Vein Atresia
Yun Ae Jeon, Chung Il Noh, Ho Sung Kim, Jung Yun Choi, Yong Soo Yun, Woo Sun Kim, Je Geun Chi
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(3):409-416.   Published online March 15, 1995
We report four cases of unilateral pulmonary vein atresia without associated congenital intracardiac anomalies to illustrate a part of the clinical and radiological characteristics and its diagnosis. Pulmonary vein atresia was in right side in all cases. Narrowing of contralateral pulmonary vein and pure red cell anemia were combined in one cases. In four cases, initial presentations were hemoptysis and...
Pseudoaneurysm after Renal Biopsy; Angigraphic Diagnosis and Treatment by Superselective Embolization
Sin Weon Yun, Keun Seop Jung, In Seok Lim, Chul Ha Kim, Dong Keun Lee, Byeong Heun You, Hyung Jin Shim, Young Ku Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(3):417-421.   Published online March 15, 1995
The use of superselective embolization was assessed as a treatment for bleeding from arteriovenous fistulas and pseudoaneurysm after renal biopsy procedure. But unless it is sufficiently selective, the procedure results in loss of significant amount of renal parenchyme. We experienced one case of renal arterial pseudoaneurysm, which happened at 5days after percutaneous renal biopsy. Diagnosis of pseudoaneurysm was made by...
A Case of Chronic Pancreatitis Complicated by Hemobilia
Sang Ook Nam, Jeong Kee Seo, Je Geun Chi, Kyung Mo Yeon
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(3):422-427.   Published online March 15, 1995
Hemobilia caused by pancreatic disease is very rare. The most common cause is a splenic artery pseudoaneurysm caused by acute and chronic inflammation of the pancreas. We experienced a case regarding as hemobilia as a complication of chronic relapsing pancreatitis in a 14 year-old boy. He was admitted with chief complaints of abdominal pain and hematemesis. Two years prior to admission,...
Familial Erythrophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis in Siblings
Eun Sook Lee, Ji Eun Choi, Dug Ha Kim, Hae Ran Lee, Chong Young Park
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(3):428-434.   Published online March 15, 1995
Familial erythrophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis(FEL) is an uncommon disorder characterized by multi-organ infiltration with phagocytic histiocytes and macrophages. It is a familial discorder presenting during infancy or young childhood with fever, hepartosplenomegaly, pancytopenia, bleeding diathesis, hypertriglyceridemia and neurologic manifestations. The course of the disease is extremely lethal and diagnosis of the disease during lifetime is very difficult. Exact diagnosis can only be...
Acquisition of active immunity of chicken pox
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(3):435-439.   Published online March 15, 1995
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