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Volume 59(2); Feb 2016
Review Article
A practical view of immunotherapy for food allergy
Tae Won Song
Korean J Pediatr. 2016;59(2):47-53.   Published online February 29, 2016

Food allergy is common and sometimes life threatening for Korean children. The current standard treatment of allergen avoidance and self-injectable epinephrine does not change the natural course of food allergy. Recently, oral, sublingual, and epicutaneous immunotherapies have been studied for their effectiveness against food allergy. While various rates of desensitization (36% to 100%) and tolerance (28% to 75%) have been...

Original Articles
Comparison between Kawasaki disease with lymph-node-first presentation and Kawasaki disease without cervical lymphadenopathy
Jung Ok Kim, Yeo Hyang Kim, Myung Chul Hyun
Korean J Pediatr. 2016;59(2):54-58.   Published online February 29, 2016

We evaluated the characteristics of patients with Kawasaki disease (KD) who presented with only fever and cervical lymphadenopathy on admission, and compared them with the characteristics of those who presented with typical features but no cervical lymphadenopathy.


We enrolled 98 patients diagnosed with KD. Thirteen patients had only fever and cervical lymphadenopathy on the day of admission (group 1), 31 had...

Infantile Marfan syndrome in a Korean tertiary referral center
Yeon Jeong Seo, Ko-Eun Lee, Gi Beom Kim, Bo Sang Kwon, Eun Jung Bae, Chung Il Noh
Korean J Pediatr. 2016;59(2):59-64.   Published online February 29, 2016

Infantile Marfan syndrome (MFS) is a rare congenital inheritable connective tissue disorder with poor prognosis. This study aimed to evaluate the cardiovascular manifestations and overall prognosis of infantile MFS diagnosed in a tertiary referral center in Korea.


Eight patients diagnosed with infantile MFS between 2004 and 2014 were retrospectively evaluated.


Their median age at the time of diagnosis was 2.5 months (range,...

Impact of lifestyle factors on trends in lipid profiles among Korean adolescents: the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys study, 1998 and 2010
Shin-Hye Kim, Young-Hwan Song, Sangshin Park, Mi-Jung Park
Korean J Pediatr. 2016;59(2):65-73.   Published online February 29, 2016

Only a few studies have explored nationwide trends in lipid profiles among Asian adolescents. We aimed to assess trends in lipid profiles and the associated lifestyle factors among Korean children.


We analyzed data for 2,094 adolescents who were aged 10–18 years and had participated in the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys in 1998 and 2010.


During 1998–2010, the prevalence of...

Epilepsy in children with a history of febrile seizures
Sang Hyun Lee, Jung Hye Byeon, Gun Ha Kim, Baik-Lin Eun, So-Hee Eun
Korean J Pediatr. 2016;59(2):74-79.   Published online February 29, 2016

Febrile seizure, the most common type of pediatric convulsive disorder, is a benign seizure syndrome distinct from epilepsy. However, as epilepsy is also common during childhood, we aimed to identify the prognostic factors that can predict epilepsy in children with febrile seizures


The study comprised 249 children at the Korea University Ansan Hospital who presented with febrile seizures. The relationship between...

Meta-analysis of factors predicting resistance to intravenous immunoglobulin treatment in patients with Kawasaki disease
Jin-Young Baek, Min Seob Song
Korean J Pediatr. 2016;59(2):80-90.   Published online February 29, 2016

Studies have been conducted to identify predictive factors of resistance to intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) for Kawasaki disease (KD). However, the results are conflicting. This study aimed to identify laboratory factors predictive of resistance to high-dose IVIG for KD by performing meta-analysis of available studies using statistical techniques.


All relevant scientific publications from 2006 to 2014 were identified through PubMed searches. For...

Case Reports
A new mosaic der(18)t(1;18)(q32.1;q21.3) with developmental delay and facial dysmorphism
Young-Jin Choi, Eunsim Shin, Tae Sik Jo, Jin-Hwa Moon, Se-Min Lee, Joo-Hwa Kim, Jae-Won Oh, Chang-Ryul Kim, In Joon Seol
Korean J Pediatr. 2016;59(2):91-95.   Published online February 29, 2016

We report the case of a 22-month-old boy with a new mosaic partial unbalanced translocation of 1q and 18q. The patient was referred to our Pediatric Department for developmental delay. He showed mild facial dysmorphism, physical growth retardation, a hearing disability, and had a history of patent ductus arteriosus. White matter abnormality on brain magnetic resonance images was also noted....

Neonatology (Perinatology)
Successfully treated infective endocarditis caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus in extremely low birth weight infant
Sehwa Jung, Kyung Uk Jeong, Jang Hoon Lee, Jo Won Jung, Moon Sung Park
Korean J Pediatr. 2016;59(2):96-99.   Published online February 29, 2016

Survival rates of preterm infants have improved in the past few decades, and central venous catheters play an important role in the intensive medical treatment of these neonates. Unfortunately, these indwelling catheters increase the risk of intracardiac thrombosis, and they provide a nidus for microorganisms during the course of septicemia. Herein, we report a case of persistent bacteremia due to...

Nephrology (Genitourinary)
Recombinant Human Erythropoietin Therapy for a Jehovah's Witness Child With Severe Anemia due to Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome
Da Eun Woo, Jae Min Lee, Yu Kyung Kim, Yong Hoon Park
Korean J Pediatr. 2016;59(2):100-103.   Published online February 29, 2016

Patients with hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) can rapidly develop profound anemia as the disease progresses, as a consequence of red blood cell (RBC) hemolysis and inadequate erythropoietin synthesis. Therefore, RBC transfusion should be considered in HUS patients with severe anemia to avoid cardiac or pulmonary complications. Most patients who are Jehovah's Witnesses refuse blood transfusion, even in the face of life-threatening...


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