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A Case of Syndrome Associated with Colonic Atresia

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1993;36(7):1030-1033.
Published online July 15, 1993.
A Case of Syndrome Associated with Colonic Atresia
Si Whan Koh, Joon Soo Park, Kyung Hwan Oh, Dong Hwan Lee, Sang Jhoo Lee, Chul Moon
Department of Pediatrics, Soon Chung Hang University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Down 증후군에 동반된 결장 폐쇄1례
고시환, 박준수, 오경환, 이동환, 이상주, 문철
순천향대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
The association of colonic atresia in patients with Down syndrome is a rare anomaly. The incidence of congenital atresia of the gastrointestinal tract has been estimated to be about one in 1500 births. Colonic atresia is rarer still, and is throut to comprise about 5% to 10% of this group. This intestinal atresia occurs in about 30% to 50% of patient with Down syndrome. We experienced a case of Down syndrome associated with colonic atresia in a 1 day old male. His initial chief complaints at the admission were severe abdominal distension and Down appearance. Diagnosis was confirmed by chromosomal study and operative lapraotomy with end-to-end ileodescending colostomy. We report the case with brief review of related literatures.
Key Words: Down syndrome, Colonic atresia

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