A clinical studies of brain tumor children. |
Jung Sang Oh, Park Jung Sik, Bung Soo Kim |
Department of Pediatrics, Yonsei University College of Medicine Seoul, Korea. |
소아의 뇌종양에 관한 임상적 고찰 |
오정상, 박정식, 김병수 |
연세대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실 |
Abstract |
A clinical study was made on 25 cases of brain tumor occurring under the age of 16 in the Department of Pediatrics and Neurosury at Severance Hospital, Yonsei University, from Jan. 1, 1971 to Dec. 31, 1975. The age, sex of the patients, clinical symptoms and signs, X-ray findings, location and pathological findings of tumor were analyzed and data were summerized as follows; 1. The age distribution of 25 tumors showed the highest incidence at the age of 5-6(20%) and 11-12(20%). 2. The sex ratio of male and female was approximately 1.1:1 for all the tumors. 3. At location, the supratentorial tumors was in 8(32%) and infratentorial in 17%(68%) 4. In the histological findings, medullobastoma wasthe commonest neoplasm being presented in 11(44%) and remainders shounld astrocytoma 6(24%) ependymoma 2(8%). 5. In clinical symptoms and signs at supratentorial tumo, headaohe occured in 75%, vomiting 62%, ataxia 50%. At inpratentorial tumo, vomiting occureP in 88%, each ataxia headache 75%. 6. Plain skull X-ray changes were nited in 18 of the 25 abailable cases(72%). 7. Result showed 1 yearsurvial 4 cases, survival 4 cases, 2 yearsurvival 6 cases, non-follow up 5 casees. |