Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics




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All issues > Volume 38(5); 1995

Original Article
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(5):649-659. Published online May 15, 1995.
Structure and Expression of Human Antibody Clones Specific for H. influenzae type b Capsular Polysaccharides
Kyung Hyo KH Kim1, Gook Hyun GH Chung2, Mitchell G. MG Scott3, Moon H. MH Nahm3
1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Ewha Woman`s University, Seoul, Korea
2Department of Biology, Chonbuk National University, Chonju, Korea
3Departments of Pathology and Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Mo USA
: Haemophilas influenzae type b is a significant pathogen in children and several v accines with different immunologic properties are clinically used. An individual produces oligoc-lonal anti-Hib-PS antibodies and the repertoire of human anti-HihPS Antibody (Ah) can be div- ided into two types by the structure of the light chain V region. Ah using A2-VK II gene product, which account for the majority of anti-Hib-PS Ah response in most patients, show little somatic mutations. In contrast, non-Ab using A2- VK II gene product use VL genes from the VK I a, VK II, VK III, VK IV, and Vλ subgroups, are variably expressed among patients, and contain somatic mutations. To further study the expression of these types of anti-Hib-PS Ab, we developed ser-ologic assays that identify the VL subgroups of anti-Hib-PS Ab that have previously been char-acterized at the molecular level.
: The amount of anti-HihPS Ah of postvaccine sera expressing a VK subgroup or Vλ was determined by 뱒andwich?type immunoassays. We used mAb specific for VK I a, VK II, VK III, VK IV and Vλ subgroups to develop immunoassay specific for anti-Hib-PS Ab of each VL subgroup.
: 1) The vaccine types influence the expression of Ab repertoire. 2) The T-independent and T-dependent forms of an antigen can affect the V region repertoi-re expression in humans. 3) Abs using VK III VL were found to be more often elicited with conjugate vaccines than Hi b-PS vaccines(p<0.01).
: Individual members of the anti-Hib-PS Ab repertoire differ not only in their V r egion structure hut also in the control of their expression.

Keywords :Anti-Hib-PS antibodies, Repertoires

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