Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics




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All issues > Volume 38(6); 1995

Original Article
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(6):835-842. Published online June 15, 1995.
Comparison Between 24-hour Integrated Growth Hormone Concentrations and Pharmacological Provocation Tests in Children with Short Statue
Mi Jung MJ Park1, Duk Hi DH Kim1, Ho Seong HS Kim2
1Department of Pediatrics, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
2Department of Pediatrics, Ewha Womans University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
: The ability to respond to pharmacologial provovation tests may not necessary reflect actuaol secretory patterns of growth hormone. Therefore, the aim of this study in to evaluate the 24-h IC-GH and compare this with their resposnses to standard pharmacological provocation tests for growth hormone comcentrations and to evaluate peak frequency and peak amplitude during 24-h IC-GH in children with short stature.
: We evaluated 22 cases. Pharmacological growth hormone provocation tests were done with L-dopa (0.5g/1.73㎡) and regular insulin (0.1I/kg). Fourteen were growth hormone deficiency, three were idiopathic short starue, five were normal vontrola. The 24-h IC-GH was sampled every 30minutes using the continuous blood witdrawal pump.
: 1) Twenty-four hour IC-GH were significantly different among 3 groups. Normal contrel group had mean IC-GH value of 5.8±1.1ng/ml, growth hormone dificiency group had 0.8±0.7ng/ml, idiopathic short stature group had 3.6±0.4ng/ml. 2) Significant correlation was found between pharmacological peak GH concentrations and mean 24-h IC-GH. 3) In cases of idiopathic short stature, pharmacological peak GH, were normal, but 24-h peak frequencies and amplitudes were lower compared to normal control.
: In cases of patients with subnormal growth hormone concentrations on provocation tests, measuring 24-h IC-GH is not needed, but in case of normal or subnormal growth hormone concentrations on provocation tests and with subnormal yearly growth rates, it is recommended to measeue 24-h IC-GH.

Keywords :Comparison, 24h-ICGH, Pharmacological Provocation Tests, Short Statue.

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