All issues > Volume 39(7); 1996
- Case Report
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1996;39(7):1010-1014. Published online July 15, 1996.
- A Case of Brainstem Encephalitis
- Tae Hoon TH Kang1, Ki Ook KO Kim2, Gyu Geun GG Hywang1
1Department of Pediatrics, Dong-A University, College of Medicine, Pusan, Korea
2Department of Neurosurgery, Dong-A University, College of Medicine, Pusan, Korea
- Abstract
- We experienced a case of brainstem encephalitis that is possibly caused by herpes simplex
virus infection in a 3 year-old girl. The diagnosis was made by clinical symptoms, neurologic
exam, serologic test, brain CT, brain MRI and brainstem biopsy. Herpes simplex virus specific
antibody was detected from cerebrospinal fluid and the titer was 11.78 by enzyme immunoassay.
Stereotaxic brainstem biopsy was done for differenciate from brainstem glioma at 24th hospital
day. Patient was treated with acyclovir and improved in association with neurologic sequallae at
3 months later. Brief review of literatures was made.
Keywords :Brainstem encephalitis, Herpes simplex viru