All issues > Volume 40(4); 1997
- Case Report
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1997;40(4):559-566. Published online April 15, 1997.
- A Case of Tuberculous Pneumonia in Infancy
- Joon-Sung JS Lee1, Young-Yoo YY Kim1, Jong-Wan JW Kim1
- 1Department of Pediatrics, Catholic University Medical College, Seoul, Korea
- Abstract
- A rare but serious complication of tuberculosis in a child occurs when the primary infection is progressively destructive. It is difiicult to differentiate from other bacterial pneumonias.
We experienced a case of tuberculous pneumonia in a 73-days-old male who presented with cough, fever and progressive dyspnea. Chest X-ray shows diffuse pneumonic consolidation on right upper lung field, Mantoux test was positive and his father was diagnosed with active pulmonary tuberculosis 2 months ago. We started antituberculous drugs: INH, RFP, PZA, SM and prednisolone.
At 12 weeks after therapy, chest CT and percutaneous aspiration lung biopsy was performed due to worsening of X-ray findings. The diagnosis of tuberculous pneumonia was confirmed.
He was treated with INH, RFP, PZA for 52 weeks. Short-term corticosteroid therapy and SM or KM was also used. The pneumonic consolidation was totally cleared and healed with fibrosis.
Keywords :Tuberculous pneumonia, Infancy