All issues > Volume 40(5); 1997
- Case Report
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1997;40(5):726-729. Published online May 15, 1997.
- A Treatment Case with PTCA in Osteal Stenosis of Takayasu's Arteritis
- Tae Gyoun TG Park1, Won Kyu WK Choi1, Hae Yong HY Lee1
- 1Department of pediatrics, Yonsei University, Wonju Collage of Medicine, Wonju, Korea
- Abstract
- PTCA was performed in llgears old Takayasu’s arteritis patient with left coronary artery osteal stenosis. A balloon angioplasty catheter was introduced by a 7-F guiding catheter with a 0.14 steerable guide wire. The balloonings were approximately 60 and 80 seconds at each duration. The procedure was performed repeat twice. The stenotic lesion was improved after PTCA. After 2years PTCA, left coronary artery was well dilatated in coronary angiogram. Until this time, the patient has not chest pain.
Keywords :Takayasu’s arteritis, Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty(PTCA)