Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics




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All issues > Volume 41(1); 1998

Original Article
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1998;41(1):19-25. Published online January 15, 1998.
Effects of Early Dexamethasone Therapy in Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Hyeon-Soo HS Lee1
1Department of Pediatrics, Cha General Hospital, Seoul, Korea
Correspondence Hyeon-Soo HS Lee ,Email: 1
: To examine the clinical effects of early dexamethasone treatment from postnatal age of 1 week to ventilated preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome.
: 14 one-week-old ventilator-dependent infants were enrolled. Seven received dexamethasone and another 7 did not receive. The doses of dexamethasone used were 0.25mg/kg twice daily for 3 days, 0.125mg/kg twice for 1 day, then 0.125mg/kg once for 1 day. Blood gases were measured and ventilatory efficiency index(VEI) and arterial/alveolar oxygen tension ratio(a/A PO2) were calculated every 12 hours from 48hours before to 72 hours after administration. Mean arterial blood pressures were noted and urine output was measured every 24 hours during the study.
: Following dexamethasone, the values of PaO2 improved significantly during 72 hours of treatment(P < 0.05) and the values of PaCO2 tended to decrease during the study but those were not significant changes. VEI and a/A PO2 ratio improved significantly for 48 hours following dexamethasone(P < 0.05). After receiving dexamethasone, the urine output increased significantly during 72 hours of treatment(P < 0.05). The average extubation time in dexamethasone-treated group was significantly earlier than that seen in control group(P < 0.05). Also the average duration of oxygen therapy and mechanical ventilation of dexamethasone-treated infants were significantly shorter compared with those of control infants.
: I conclude that early dexamethasone therapy from postnatal age of 1 week has beneficial effects in ventilated preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome.

Keywords :Dexamethasone, Respiratory distress syndrome

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