All issues > Volume 45(8); 2002
- Case Report
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 2002;45(8):1038-1042. Published online August 15, 2002.
- A Case of in-utero Vesicoamniotic Shunting and Postnatal Vesicostomy in Very Low Birth Weight Baby with Posterior Urethral Valve Syndrome
- Sung-Hye SH Kim1, Jae-Won JW Shim1, Yun-Shil YS Chang1, Soon-Ha SH Yang2, Kwan-Hyeun KH Park3, Dong-Kyu DK Jin1, Won-Soon WS Park1
1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, University of Sungkyunkwan, Seoul, Korea
2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, University of Sungkyunkwan, Seoul, Korea
3Department of Urology, College of Medicine, University of Sungkyunkwan, Seoul, Korea - Correspondence Won-Soon WS Park ,Email:
- Abstract
- We present a case of in-utero vesicoamniotic shunting and postnatal vesicostomy in a very low birth weight baby with posterior urethral valve syndrome. He was diagnosed as posterior urethral valve at 24+5 weeks' gestation. Because of severe hydronephrosis and oligohydroamnios, the shunt was established by basket-shaped catheter at 27+0 weeks' gestation. After shunt, hydronephrosis improved. At 29+4 weeks' gestation, the shunt catheter escaped from its position and severe urinary ascites and hydronephrosis developed. At 30 weeks' gestation, the baby was born and showed elevated BUN and creatinine. On the 10th day of birth, vesicostomy was done for urinary drainage. Thereafter, the baby has been followed up for 10 months and has had recurrent episodes of urinary infection. We report the case with a brief review of literature.
Keywords :Posterior urethral valve, Vesicoamniotic shunt