Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics




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All issues > Volume 48(10); 2005

Clinical Lecture
Korean J Pediatr. 2005;48(10):1033-1037. Published online October 15, 2005.
Can We Predict How Often Nephrotic Syndrome will Relapse into the Patients?
Mee Kyung MK Namgoong1
1Department of Pediatrics, Yonsei University, Wonju Collge of Medicine, Wonju, Korea
Correspondence Mee Kyung MK Namgoong ,Email:
Pediatric nephrotic syndrome is a well-known illness for its high relapsing rate. If we can predict the relapsing rate and the responses to the steroid therapy of individual patients with nephrotic syndrome, the predictability will be helpful in building a therapeutic plan. Here is my review of research articles on the risk factors for the prediction of relapsing nephrotic syndrome.

Keywords :Nephrotic syndrome , Relapse , Predict

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