All issues > Volume 34(7); 1991
- Original Article
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1991;34(7):929-933. Published online July 31, 1991.
- Clinical charateristics of pregnancy-induced hypertensive mothers and their neonates.
- Soo Jeong Ryu1, Jin Sook Kim1, Kyong Hoon Choi1, Myong Jin Kim1, Mi Na Lee1
- 1Department of Pedlaries, Cheil General Hospital, Seoul, Korea
- Received: January 31, 1991; Accepted: March 21, 1991.
- Abstract
- The results were as follows;
1) The mean platelet count of peripheral blood in pergnancy-induced hypertensive mothers was 221,
733±17,357/mm3 which was than control Significant thrombocytopenia was encountered in 8 cases
2) Meanwhile their newborns showed neutropenia and prolongation of prothrombin time.
3) Intrauterine growth retardation could be assesed in 8 out of 30 newborns from these mothers.
Keywords :Pregnacy-induced htpertensive mothers and their neonates;Thrombocytopenia;Leukkopenia