All issues > Volume 34(3); 1991
- Original Article
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1991;34(3):348-354. Published online March 31, 1991.
- Effect of fluid restriction on postnatal weight and outcome in very low birth weight infants.
- Chul Lee1, Hyeon Soo Lee1, Ran Namgung1, Dong Gwan Han1
- 1Department of Pediatrics, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
- Received: August 20, 1990; Accepted: September 20, 1990.
- Abstract
- We studied 45 very low birth weight infants for change in birth weight, urine output, serum Na
level, ventilatory support and outcome between two groups after fluid restriction therapy. Group 1
(n=17) were infants whose weight loss were more than 5% of birth weight. Group 2 (n=17) were
infants whose weight loss were more than 5% of birth weight.
1) Group 1 had more fluid intake and less urine output than group 2.
2) Urine specific gravity and serum Na level were within physiologic ranges in both groups.
3) Group 1 needed more ventilatory assistance than group 2.
4) Group 1 had more complications and higher death rate than group 2. PDA occurred more
frequently in group 1.
We concluded that greater initial weight loss in very low birth weight infants after fluid restriction
can reduce the complications, especially PDA, and ventilatory support.
Keywords :Fluid restriction;Very low birth weight