All issues > Volume 33(8); 1990
- Original Article
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1990;33(8):1104-1110. Published online August 31, 1990.
- The Pharmacokinetics, Acute Biological Effects and Safety of Recombinant Human Growth Hormones.
- Jong Jin Seo1
- 1Department of pediatrics. College of Medicine, Chungnam National University, Taejeon, Korea
- Received: February 6, 1990; Accepted: May 3, 1990.
- Abstract
- The pharmacokinetics, acute biological성fccts and safety of yeast-derived recombinant methionyl-
hGH (LBD-003), the first biosynthetic hGH in Korea, were studied in 10 healthy young adults who
were administered 8 IU/day intramuscularly for four consecutive days.
1) GH levels reached a mean (±SD) peak of 27.5±10.7 ng/ml at 3.4±0.8 hours following the first
dose, and other pharmacokinetic parameters of LBD-003 were similar to those reported for
pituitary hGH and other biosynthetic hGH.
2) Markedly significant rise of IGF-1 and free fatty acid were observed after LBD-003 administra-
tion (p<0.0001), but fasting blood glucose and C-peptide concentrations were not changed signifi-
3) There was no local or systemic untoward reactions during the 5 day period of observation
following the first dose of LBD-003.
4) No significant changes in hematologic features, urinalysis, acute phase reactants, indices of liver
and kidney function, and electrocardiography were noted following the administration of LBD-
003. Antibodies to hGH were not detected on days 30 or 60.
The results show that LBD-003 is safe in short term, well tolerated, has pharmacokinetic and
biological properties similar to pituitary hGH and other biosynthetic hGH.
Keywords :Recombinant human growth hormone