All issues > Volume 33(5); 1990
- Case Report
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1990;33(5):714-720. Published online May 31, 1990.
- A Case of Subacute Necrotizing Lymphadenitis.
- S Y Song1, W H Kwon1, C H Han1, H R Chung1, S Y Kim1, Y D Kwon1
- 1Department of Pediatrics, Daegu Catholic General Hospital, Daegu, Korea
- Received: September 9, 1989; Accepted: November 26, 1989.
- Abstract
- We experienced a case of subacute necrotizing lymphadenitis in a 6 year old boy which has been
originally described in Japan.
The diagnosis was made by clinical features(fever, adenopathy), laboratory(WBC, ESR, GOT, GPT,
LDH etc), histopathologic, electron microscopic, and immunohistologic findings.
The review of literature was made.
Keywords :Subacute necrotizing lymphodenitis