All issues > Volume 33(2); 1990
- Original Article
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1990;33(2):241-245. Published online February 28, 1990.
- A Case of Sirenomelia.
- Hyun Kuk Kim1, Sung Ik Cho1, Byoung Tae Kim1, Hak Jhoo Cha1, Sang Jhoo Lee1
- 1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Soon Chun Hyang University, Seoul, Korea
- Received: June 22, 1989; Accepted: September 19, 1989.
- Abstract
- A neonate weighing 960 gm with undetermined sex was born after 32 weeks of gestation. The baby
had multiple abnormalities such as fused lower extremities, abcence of the anus and external
genitalia, meningomyelocele, right anortia, anomalous ribs, pulmonary hypoplasia, renal agenesis and
rectal agenesis.
The diagnosis was established by physical and autopsy findings.
A brief review of literature was made.
Keywords :Sirenomelia