All issues > Volume 32(9); 1989
- Original Article
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1989;32(9):1195-1201. Published online September 30, 1989.
- Statistical Study of Perinatal Autopsy.
- Gyu Ja Jung1, Su Mi Back1, Ock Sung Jung1, Son Sang Seo1, Hye Kyoung Yoon2
1Department of Pediatrics, Il Sin Christian Hospital, Pusan, Korea
2Department of Anatomic Pathology, Il Sin Christian Hospital, Pusan, Korea - Received: January 18, 1988; Accepted: May 2, 1989.
- Abstract
- Recently, the incidence of perinatal death in this country has decreased by improved antenatal care
and resuscitative management, but is still higher than that of developed country.
A number of studies on perinatal death have dealed with mainly statistical and clinical aspect.
We studied about perinatal death in order to prove more accurate cause of death by autopsy.
The subjects of our study were 76 cases of stillbirth and 54 cases of neonatal death, and the results
were as follows:
1) On distribution by birth weight and gestational age, low birth weight under 2,500 gm occupied 74.
6% (97 of 130 cases) and preterm babies were 69.2% (90 csases of 130 case).
2) The cases of FDIU and neonatal death were 76 (58.5%) and 54 (41.5%) respectively.
The majority of neonatal death occured within 24 hours of age.
3) In terms of relation between maternal complications during pregnancy and perinatal mortality,
the most frequent disorder was hydramnios (22.6%), which was associated with congenital malforma-
tion in 63.2%
4) The most common cause of perinatal death was congenital malformation (39.2%). followed by
undetermined etiology, infection, aspiration syndrome, hyaline membrane disease, etc.
5) About half of congenital malformations were multiple (49.0%). and anencephaly and pulmonary
hypoplasia are the most frequent in single malformation.
6) The congenital pneumonia was the most common cause of infections leading to perinatal death.
Keywords :Perinatal death, Autopsy finding