All issues > Volume 32(7); 1989
- Original Article
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1989;32(7):972-977. Published online July 31, 1989.
- Urinary Tract Infection Caused by Escherichia coli.
- Sung Oh Kim1, Sun Yang Hong1, Woo Gill Lee1
- 1Department of Pediatrics, Hanyang University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
- Received: November 28, 1988; Accepted: December 12, 1988.
- Abstract
- Among 223 cases who were admitted to the Department of Pediatrics, Hanyang University Hospital
from January 1980 to December 1987 under the diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infection(UTI), 132 cases
of E. coli UTI were compared with 91 cases of non-E. coli UTI by age, sex distribution, clinical
manifestation, laboratory results and clinical course.
The results obtained were as follows:
1. There were no significant differences of sex incidence in E. coli UTI, but in non-E. coli UTI sex
incidence showed male predominance and there were no significant differences of each other group
in the age incidence.
2. In E. coli UTI, abdominal pain, irritability, hematuria and pyuria were more often observed than
non-E. coli UTI significantly.
3. Of the frequency of abnormal radiologic finding and the recurrence rate of UTI were no
significant difference between E. coli UTI and non-E. coli UTI.
Keywords :Urinary tract infection, Escherichia coli