All issues > Volume 32(7); 1989
- Original Article
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1989;32(7):885-896. Published online July 31, 1989.
- Statistical Analysis of Pediatric Diseases in Korea(1987).
- Kyong Su Lee1, Ki Sup Chung1, Ki Yang Ryoo1, Woo Gill Lee1, Sang Bum Lee1, Se Jin Kang1, In Kyung Sung1
- 1Commitee of Statistics, The Korean Pediatric Association
- Received: June 7, 1989; Accepted: June 7, 1989.
- Abstract
- The Korean pediatric association is conducting the analysis of disease patterns of children by the
body organ system. For the purpose of assessing the disease patterns in patients of the pediatric age
in Korea, we performed a statistical analysis of diseases of patients admitted to the department of
pediatrics in 36 hospitals having pediatric residency programs in 1987.
The results obtained were as follows,
1) Total number of inpatients was 80,675, of which 47,620 were male and 33,055 were female and the
ratio of male to female was 1.4:1.
2) Prevalence of the deseases classified by body organ system was in the following order: respira-
tory system diseases; 25.4%, newborn diseases; 22.7%, digestive system diseases; 20.3%, nervous
system diseases; 7.8%, infectious diseases; 6.6%, allergic and immunologic diseases; 5.0%, genitour-
inary system diseases; 4.0%, cardiovascular system diseases; 3.1%, blood diseases; 2.3%, neoplasm and
neoplasm-like lesions;1.7%, metabolic and endocrine system diseases; 0.9% and genetic disorders;
3) Major diseases in each body organ system were as follows:
(1) genetic disorders: Down’s syndrome (71.6%) and Turner syndrome (5.2%).
(2) newborn diseases: hematologic diseases (35.0%), premature (13.2%) and respiratory diseases
(3) allergic and immunologic diseases: asthma (46.5%), urticaria and angioedema (12.5%), Kawa-
saki disease (12.5%), allergic purpura (10.2%) and rheumatic fever (5.2%).
(4) infectious diseases: measles (17.5%), infection of skin and subcutaneous tissue (11.2%) and
bacteremia and septicemia (11.0%).
(5) digestive system diseases: gastroenteritis/enterocolitis (71.7%), intussusception (8.7%) and
congenital anomalies (3.2%).
(6) respiratory system diseases: pneumonia (45.4%), acute pharyngitis/nasopharyngitis (13.1%) and
bronchiolitis (10.6%).
(7) cardiovascular system diseases: VSD (35.9%), ASD (9.3%), TOF (8.8%) and PDA (8.7%).
(8) blood diseases: iron deficiency anemia (39.0%), ITP (11.1%) and aplastic anemia (9.9%).
(9) neoplasm and neoplasm-like lesions: acute lymphocytic leukemia (45.0%), acute nonlymphocytic
leukemia (14.5%), neuroblastoma (6.2%) and Wilms tumor (5.1%).
(10) genitourinary system diseases: UTI (43.5%), nephrotic syndrome (15.9%) and acute
glomerulonephritis (10.6%).
(11) metabolic and endocrine system diseases: hypocalcemia (13.9%), hypoglycemia (11.9%) and
diabetes mellitus (11.7%).
(12) nervous system diseases: seizure disorders (54.3%) and infection of the nervous system (24.2%).
4) Common diseases for admission in pediatrics were in the following order: gastroenteritis/entero
colitis (14.6%), pneumonia (11.5%), hematologic diseases in the newborn (7.9%), seizure disorders
(4.2%), acute pharyngitis/nasopharyngitis (3.3%), premature (3.0%), bronchiolitis (2.7%), asthma (2.3
%), respiratory diseases in the newborn (2.0%), infection of the central nervous system (1.9%), croup
(1.9%), intussusception (1.8%) and urinary tract infection (1.7%).
Keywords :Pediatric diseases, Statistical analysis