All issues > Volume 32(5); 1989
- Original Article
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1989;32(5):620-629. Published online May 31, 1989.
- Current Immune Status of Children and Pregnant Women in Korea(I).
- Eun Jung Kim1, Ju Kwan Park1, Chang Hwi Kim1, Sang Jhoo Lee1
- 1Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Soon Chun Hyang University, Seoul, Korea
- Received: October 4, 1988; Accepted: November 21, 1988.
- Abstract
- This study was conducted to find out rubella immune status as basic data for devising surveillance
plan to prevent rubella epidemic and congenital rubella syndrome in Korea. Rubella ELISA antibody
was tested to the study group of 253 cord blood. 352 children and 486 pregnant women. who visited
Soonchunyhang University Hospital from Feb., 1987 to Oct.. 1987
The provisional results obstanined from the study are summerized as follows
1) The positive rate of rubella antibody was 89.3%(226/ 253) in cord blood. 16.7%(3/ 18) in 0 to 6
month age. 13.5%(5/37) in 7 to 11 month of age. 58.6%(75/ 128) in 1 to 2 yeat of age. 76.8%(76/ 99) in
3 to 5 year of age. and 100%(5/5) above 35 year of age. Passive immunity from mother was lost
notable at the age of 7 to 11 months. and positive rate increased gradually with age.
2) The average positive rate of rubella anibody was 57.7%(203/ 352) in children. and 88.9%(412/ 486)
in pregnant women. Therefore 11.1% of pregnant women susceptible to rubella infection.
3) Postive antibody rate in children. male was 60.9%(129/ 212) and female was 65.0%(91/ 140). But
there were nostatisical significance.
4) The children were dividied 3 groups according to the state of immunization documentation.
Children with a documented history of immunization showed 92.3%(24/ 26) of positive rate. while in
those with questionable history of immunization(no documentation on medical record) the rate was
73.3%(151/207). Children with no history of immunization showed 23.5%(28/ 119). Authors think that
physicians who perform immunization should be documented it in medical record or health and
immunization record and it is necessary to educate the parents about the reason of keeping of the
health and immunization record.
Keywords :Rubella, ELISA Antibody