All issues > Volume 32(2); 1989
- Original Article
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1989;32(2):230-238. Published online February 28, 1989.
- Continuous Arteriovenous Hemofiltration in Children.
- Hae Il Cheong1, Dong Kyu Jin1, Young Seo park1, Yong Choi1, Kwang Wook Ko1
- 1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
- Received: August 20, 1988; Accepted: September 6, 1988.
- Abstract
- Among those who were admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), Seoul National
University Children’s Hospital and developed acute renal failure (ARF) during the disease course, 11
children received continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration (CAVH) by pediatricians during a 3-year-
period from Nov. 85 to Oct. 88. Their clinical findings were analyzed retrospectively, and the results
were as follows;
1) They were 5 boys and 6 girls aged from 3 months to 14 years. ARF developed after open heart
surgery in 3 children, and developed due to medical problems in 8.
2) CAVH had operated for 4-413 hours in each patients, and the average ultrafiltration rate (fluid
removal rate) ranged 5.3-13.4 ml/kg/ hour.
3) Clotting of hemofilter was the most frequent complication of CAVH and the mean hemofilter
life was 32.6 hours.
4) Three children expired during the course of ARF, another 3 expired later due to underlying
disease itself or other comlications, and, finally, 5 discharged from the PICU with improved conditions.
In conclusion, CAVH, a safer and more effective renal replacement therapy than traditional
dialysis methods especially in critically ill and hemodynamically unstable ICU patients with multiple
organ failure, can be used in children as well as in adults.
Keywords :Continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration (CAVH), Children, Acute renal failure (ARF), Intensive care unit (ICU).