All issues > Volume 31(7); 1988
- Original Article
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1988;31(7):914-923. Published online July 31, 1988.
- The Effect of Pertussive Vaccine & Cyclosporin on Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rats.
- Duk Hi Kim1
- 1Department of Pediatrics, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
- Received: January 27, 1988; Accepted: January 27, 1988.
- Abstract
- The injection of streptozotocin (STZ) at higher dose (60 mg/kg) to young male rats produce direct
beta cell destruction and lead to insulin dependent diabetes (IDD). In contrast, the injection of multiple
smaller dose of STZ (40 mg/kg/d for 5 days) produce IDD, which resembles type 1 diabetes in man.
The protective effect of pertussis vaccine (PV) & cyclosporin (CA) against the develoment of IDD
induced by STZ were studied. When PV with a dose of 0.25 ml (3.75 x IO10 microorganism) was
administered to single or multiple STZ treated rats, hyperglycemia was still developed and persisted
during experiment. No difference was noted in blood glucose levels, but plasma insulin levels were
higher at 8 weeks in single and 3 days, 7 days & 4 weeks in multiple STZ treated rats.
When CA (10 mg/kg) was administered daily to single or multiple STZ treated rats, hyperglycemia
seemed to lower but there was no statistically significant, but plasma insulin levels were higher at 3
days & 7 days in single and 8 weeks in multiple STZ treated rats.
The resluts of this experiment suggest PV and CA can somewhat protect beta cell of pancreas but
they couldn’t reduced nonfasting blood glucose levels significantly.
Keywords :pertussis vaccine, cyclosporin, streptozotocin, insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.