All issues > Volume 31(6); 1988
- Original Article
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1988;31(6):715-722. Published online June 30, 1988.
- Diagnostic Value of Perfusion Lung Scan on Airway Foreign Body in Children.
- Ki Young Lee1, Kyu Earn Kim1
- 1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
- Received: December 2, 1987; Accepted: January 21, 1988.
- Abstract
- The authors evaluated diagnostic value of perfusion scan of the lung in the children who had
foreign bodies.
Perfusion lung scan with 99mTc MAA was performed in 23 cases of children with foreign bodies in
the airway.
The results of study were as follows;
1) The majority of 23 cases with foreign body in airway was infants and young children, and 19
cases (82.6%) of them was under 2 years of age.
The most common foreign body was peanuts (69.6%).
The predirection site of foreign body was more common in left bronchus than right.
2) 17 of 23 cases with foreign body in airway showed perfusion defect in scan, but 6 cases had
normal findings.
3) A large percentage (76.5%) of 17 cases with perfusion defect in scan showed marked defect or
total absence of perfusion.
4) The extent of perfusion defect was closely related with the duration from foreign body aspira-
tion to removal. Therefore, the perfusion defect seemed to begin at 4th day after foreign body
aspiration, and 10 of 12 cases showed perfusion defect in scan at 4th 〜 7th day.
All cases (6 cases) over 7 days showed perfusion defect and its extent was remarkable.
So, the authors think that the perfusion lung scan can be helpful in diagnosis of airway foreign
body, particularly in cases of long standing foreign body.
Keywords :Foreign bodies, Perfusion lung scan